Associate Professor FarnsworthWebpagePic


  • BS, DePauw UniversityGeography and Computer Science
  • MS, Virginia Institute of Marine Science/College of William and Mary, Marine Geology
  • PhD, Virginia Institute of Marine Science/College of William and Mary, Marine Geology

Courses Taught

GEOS 102 Dynamic Earth Lab
GEOS 103/104 Oceans and Atmospheres
GEOS 202 Quantitative Methods in the Geosciences
GEOS 203 Surficial Processes
GEOS 312 Hydrogeology
GEOS 354 Geomorphology
GEOS 356 Coastal Processes and Geology 
GEOS 355 Sedimentary Petrology
GEOS 370 Oceanography
GEOS 470 Research Methods in the Geosciences

Professional Interests

Coastal sedimentary processes, flux and fate of fluvial sediment in the shallow ocean, global flux of sediments, and local stormwater issues

Selected Publications

  • Warrick, Jonathan A., and Katherine L. Farnsworth, 2017, "Coastal River Plumes: Collisions and Coalescence." Progress in Oceanography, .
  • Ford, Ben, Carrie Sowden, Katherine Farnsworth, and M. Scott Harris, 2016, Coastal and Inland Geologic and Geomorphic Processes. In Site Formation Processes of Submerged Shipwrecks, edited by Matt Keith. University Press of Florida, 288p.
  • Kansou, K., T. Nuttle, K.L. Farnsworth, and B. Bredeweg, 2013, "How plants changed the world: Using qualitative reasoning to explain plant macroevolution's effect on the long-term carbon cycle", Ecological Informatics, Available online 6 March 2013, ISSN 1574-9541,
  • Kniskern, T., J.A. Warrick, K.L. Farnsworth, R.A. Wheatcroft, and M.A. Goi, 2011, " " Continental Shelf Research, vol. 31, no. 7-8, pp. 789-805.
  • Kansou, K., T. Nuttle, K.L. Farnsworth, and B. Bredeweg, 2011, "Qualitative Model of the Long-Term Carbon Cycle: The Rise of the Vascular Plant during the Paleozoic Period and its Dramatic Effect on our Atmosphere," Proceedings of the , Barcelona.
  • Milliman, J.D. and K.L. Farnsworth, 2011, "River Discharge to the Coastal Ocean: A Global Synthesis," Cambridge University Press, 392 p.
  • J.A. Warrick and K.L. Farnsworth, 2009, Chapter 2.2"Sources of Sediment to the Coastal Waters of the Southern California Bight. In: Lee, H and Normark, B (Eds). Earth Science in the Urban Ocean: The Southern California Continental Borderland." Geological Society of America Special Paper Number 454.
  • J.A. Warrick and K.L. Farnsworth, 2009, Chapter 2.3"Dispersal of River Sediment in the Southern California Bight. In: Lee, H and Normark, B (Eds). Earth Science in the Urban Ocean: The Southern California Continental Borderland." Geological Society of America Special Paper Number 454.
  • J.D. Milliman, K.L. Farnsworth, P.D. Jones, K.H. Xu, and L.C. Smith, 2008, "Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors Affecting River Discharge to the Global Ocean, 1951-2000," Global and Planetary Change, 62:3-4, p. 187-194.
  • Farnsworth, K.L. and Warrick, Jonathan A., 2007, "Sources, Dispersal, and Fate of Fine Sediment Supplied to Coastal California,"U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5254, 77 p.
  • Farnsworth, K.L. and J.D. Milliman, 2003, "Effects of Climatic and Anthropogenic Change on Small Mountainous Rivers: The Salinas River Example,"Global and Planetary Change, 39:1-2, p. 53-64.