亚色影库 Ethnographic Field School 2021Research on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic has focused overwhelmingly on urban areas. If rural people are left out of these studies, what does this mean for rural recovery policies? Applied anthropology provides a unique set of tools to investigate the impacts of the pandemic on rural communities across dimensions of social class, ethnicity, generation, and gender.

In 亚色影库's 2021 Ethnographic Field School, conducted by applied anthropologists with expertise in medical and environmental anthropology, you will learn methods and theory in applied and digital anthropology as you design and conduct original research on rural recovery and resilience in Northern Appalachian communities. This field school will be conducted remotely online and will cover the innovative ways that anthropologists have adapted traditional tool kits to investigate local responses to the global pandemic.

ANTH 460/560 Ethnographic Field School

Offered every other summer, the 亚色影库 ethnographic field school is designed to give students hands-on experience in conducting applied ethnographic research. During this five-week field school, students will receive training in methods and theories related to applied anthropology and community-based research. Students will design, conduct, analyze, and report on original research that informs policy, programs, and activism related to sustainable development and resilience in rural communities.

Ethnographic fieldwork opens a space for local experiences to inform the kinds of categories used to track social changes in rural communities. Consequently, this participatory approach involves working with research collaborators to explore people's perceptions of social and cultural change related to the possible topic areas of health, autonomy, sense of place, stewardship, civic engagement, labor, access to public resources, shifting perspectives on and use of energy resources, and changes to traditional livelihoods.


Do I have be in Indiana physically?
No. The 2021 field school will be conducted remotely.

Can I audit this class without taking it for credit?
No. This class can only be taken for six credit hours.

How much does this cost?
Summer credits are calculated at different rates for PASSHE students. Depending on your status and the program of study you choose, summer tuition and fees vary. Here is an estimate of the breakdown for in-state, out-of-state, and non-resident undergraduate and graduate students.

How will I be assessed?
Assessment will be based on regular participation and completion of various stages of research, culminating in a final project.

What if I am new to ethnography or anthropology?
This field school is designed to meet the interests of students in anthropology, but also in closely aligned fields such as public health and sustainability or environmental studies. You do not need to have advanced training in anthropology or ethnography.

What technology do I need?
The field school will be conducted via Zoom. You should plan on being available and able to use your camera and/or audio during the time of the field school.

What are the hours?
This six-credit class will be taught over the course of five weeks, with sessions planned either synchronously or asynchronously each workday during the week, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Is there an application?
No. You can add the course to your schedule, or request instructor permission by emailing Professor Amanda Poole at pooleab@iup.edu.