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PhD Animal Sciences - University of Kentucky

MS Forestry - University of Kentucky

BA Biology - Ithaca College


Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Biology, Ornithology, Landscape Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Forest Management


During my academic and professional career, I have been involved in several research projects that focused on a variety of wildlife conservation topics. This reflects my diverse research interests, including songbird ecology and conservation, habitat management and restoration, wildlife-habitat relationships, large mammal ecology, private lands conservation, and impacts of human disturbances on biodiversity. My research is best described as applied. That is, my students and I synthesize our research findings into information that is used by various government agencies and conservation organizations to better manage and conserve wildlife and their habitats.

Prior to joining the 亚色影库 faculty, I was a research associate at the University of Kentucky and a visiting scholar at Yellowstone National Park. I have published extensively in professional journals and have contributed chapters to several books, as well as editing Large Mammal Restoration: Ecological and Sociological Challenges in the 21st Century, which won the 2002 Wildlife Society book award. My students and I present our research findings at numerous national and international symposia and conferences. I promote active scholarship and applied research within the 亚色影库 Biology Department. I am a certified wildlife biologist, member of the Wildlife Society and American Ornithological Society, science advisor for USDA-NRCS's Working Lands for Wildlife program, and a member of the PA-DCNR's Ecosystem Management Advisor Committee. Since 2013, I have served as the American Bird Conservancy's Eastern Forest Bird Habitat coordinator. My primary role in this position is to work with conservation partners to implement science-based conservation in the Eastern United States, but also to assist with ABC projects in Central and South America.

I believe strongly that researchers should take an active role in converting their conservation science into conservation action! My graduate students have gone on to PhD programs at Trent University, West Virginia University, Cornell University, University of Wyoming, SUNY-ESF, Tulane University, Penn St, and University of Florida, and careers with state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, academia, and private consulting companies.

Research projects that my students and I have recently finished or are actively working on include:

  1. Conservation of Neotropical migratory birds within working landscapes of Central America;
  2. Monarch butterfly and other pollinators use of managed shrublands in the eastern US;
  3. Cerulean Warbler and Golden-winged Warbler post-fledging ecology in the Central Appalachians;
  4. Golden-winged Warbler, American Woodcock, Whip-poor-will response to habitat created through NRCS's Working Lands for Wildlife Partnership;
  5. Influence of microhabitat on Honduran Emerald (Amazilia luciae) abundance in tropical dry forest remnants of Honduras;
  6. Multi-scale resource selection of Pennsylvania elk;
  7. Avian community response to Dynamic Forest Restoration;
  8. American Woodcock response to young forest management on public and private lands in the Central Appalachians and Western Great Lakes states; and
  9. The interplay between pollinators and secondary forest in coffee production in Honduras.

Recent Publications

Brodie, R.E., N.J. Bayly, A.M. González, J. Hightower; J.L. Larkin, R.L.M. Stewart, S. Wilson, and A.M. Roth.  Future nonbreeding distribution contraction predicted for declining Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds can inform conservation planning. Ornithological Applications in press

Larkin, J.T., D.J. McNeil, L. Chronister, M.E. Akresh, E. Cohen, A.W. D’Amato, C.J. Fiss, J. Kitzes, J.L. Larkin, H. A. Parker, and D.I. King. 2024. A Large-scale Assessment of Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) Occupancy Across a Gradient of Forest Management Intensity Using Autonomous Recording Units. Environmental Management 366:121786

Fisher G.B., A.J Elmore; M.C Fitzpatrick; D.J McNeil; J.W Atkins; J.L. Larkin. 2024. Mapping recent timber harvest activity in a temperate forest using single date airborne LiDAR surveys and machine learning: lessons for conservation planning GIScience Remote Sensing 61:1, 2379198, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2024.2379198

Keele, E., C. Fiss, D.J. McNeil, M. Anderson, N. Thomas, D. Shaffer, and J.L. Larkin. 2024. Food limitation aligns with contrasting demographics in populations of an at-risk songbird. Ecology and Evolution in press

Fiss, C.J., S. Lapp, J. Cohen, H. A. Parker, J.T. Larkin, J.L. Larkin J. Kitzes. 2024. Performance of unmarked abundance models with data from machine-learning classification of passive acoustic recordings. Ecosphere DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4954

Price, S., R.N. Davenport, L. Sherman, J.L. Larkin, J. Cox, J.C. Newman, and C. Barton. 2024. Response of Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) to the Forestry Reclamation Approach on Legacy Surface Mines in the Monongahela National Forest (West Virginia). Ecological Restoration 42:105-107

Larkin, J.T., C.J. Fiss, H.A. Parker, M.C. Tyree, J. Duchamp, J.L. Larkin, and D.J. McNeil. 2024. Over the River and Through the Woods: Multi-scale Habitat Associations of Two At-risk Bird Species in Riparian Forests of the Central Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management. 564: 121997

Mathis, C.L. D.J. McNeil, M. Kammerer, J.L. Larkin, and M.J. Skvarla. 2024. Distance Models Reveal Biases Associated with Passive Trapping Methods for Measuring Wild Bee Abundance. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12:1380622

Knight, E., T. Rhinehart, D. de Zwaan, M.J. Weldy, M. Cartwright, S. Hawley, J.L. Larkin, D. Lesmeister, Erin Bayne, and J. Kitzes. Individual identification in acoustic recordings. Trends in Ecology and Evolution in press

Chronister, L., J.T Larkin, T.A. Rhinehart, D. King, J.L. Larkin, and J. Kitzes. 2024.  Evaluating the predictors of habitat use and successful reproduction in a model bird species using a large scale automated acoustic array. Ecography, e06940

McNeil, D.J., A.D. Rodewald, C.J. Fiss, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, and J.L. Larkin. 2024. Heterogeneity in Breeding Productivity is Driven Largely by Factors Affecting Nestlings and Young Fledglings in an Imperiled Migratory Passerine. Ecology and Evolution 14:e11327

Hackworth, Z., J.J. Cox, J.L. Larkin, W. Leuenberger, J.M. Felch, A.G. Davis, and C.D. Barton. 2024. Ten-Year Response of Riparian-Associated Songbirds to Implementation of Streamside Management Zones in Watershed-Scale Harvests in the Appalachian Mountains. Journal of Forestry. 122:383-397

Sherman, L., C. Barton, J.C. Guzy, R.N. Davenport, J. Cox, J.L. Larkin, T. Fearer, J.C. Newman, and S.J. Price. 2024. Wetland Creation and Reforestation of Legacy Surface Mines in the Central Appalachian Region (USA): A Potential Climate-Adaptation Approach for Pond-Breeding Amphibians? Water 16(9):1202

Rhinehart T.A., McNeil, D.J., C.J. Fiss, J.L. Larkin, A.D. Rodewald, D. Shaffer, J. Cohen, and Justin Kitzes. 2024. Benefits of Golden-winged Warbler and Cerulean Warbler habitat restoration for non-target forest birds: An empirical examination of the focal species concept. Biological Conservation 292:110436

Fuoco, K.B., Darin J. McNeil, C.J. Fiss, C. Bocetti, G.B. Fisher, and J.L. Larkin. 2024. Breeding season space use and habitat selection by Blue-winged Warblers in managed shrublands. Avian Conservation and Ecology 19(1):6.

Miller, C., C. Bossu, J. Sarraco, D. Toews, C. Rushing, A. Roberto-Charron, J.A. Tremblay, R. Chandler, Richard, M. DeSaix, C. Fiss, J.L. Larkin, S. Haché, S. Nebel, and K. Ruegg. 2024. Genomics-informed conservation units reveal spatial variation in climate vulnerability in a migratory bird. Molecular Ecology 33(1), e17199.

Keele, E.C., D.J. McNeil, J. Duchamp, E. Bastidas, and J.L. Larkin. 2023.Assessing the benefits of managed golden-winged warbler (Verimvora chrysoptera) nesting habitat for breeding monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in the western Great Lakes. Journal of Insect Conservation 27: 879-894.

Keele, E.C., D.J. McNeil, J. Duchamp, and J.L. Larkin.2023. Factors driving pollinator use of managed sheared shrubland and young forest communities of the western Great Lakes. Environmental Entomology 52:1095-1107.

Padilla, B., J. Banfield, and J.L. Larkin. 2023. Sex and diel period influence patterns of resource selection in elk). Journal of Wildlife Management 88: e22504.

McNeil, D.J., G.B. Fisher, C.J. Fiss, A.J. Elmore, M.C. Fitzpatrick, J.W. Atkins, J. Cohen, and J.L. Larkin. 2023. Using Airborne LiDAR to Assess Regional Availability of Potential Habitat for a Conservation Dependent Forest Bird. Forest Ecology and Management 540, 121002.

McNeil, D.J., K.J. Barnstead, and J.L. Larkin. Assessing American Woodcock Responses to Habitat Management Programs Targeting a Declining Songbird. Journal of Wildlife Management e22457.

Moyer, C., J.L. Larkin, T. Smith, and J. Duchamp. 2023. ID N2006, Observation of an Interaction between an Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) and a Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) in Pennsylvania. Northeastern Naturalist 30(2), N17-N22.

Padilla, B., J. Banfield, A. Corondi, and J.L. Larkin. 2023. Seasonal variation in size and composition of elk (Cervus canadensis) home range in central Pennsylvania. Canadian Journal of Zoology 101(6), 448-461

Buckhart, A. D.J. McNeil, A. Roth, K. Barnstead, and J.L. Larkin. 2022. Evaluating Golden-winged Warbler Use of Plant Communities Managed with Shearing in the Western Great Lakes. Ecosphere 14(3), e4443

Gray, L., D.J. McNeil, J.T. Larkin, H.A. Parker, D. Shaffer, and J.L. Larkin.  2023. Quantifying Detection Probability of American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) on Transects Sampled with Thermal Cameras.  Wildlife Society Bulletin e1417.

Lapp, S., Larkin, J.T., C.J. Fiss, H.A. Parker, J.L. Larkin, and J. Kitzes.2022. The development and use of an automated machine learned classifier for Ruffed Grouse drumming.  Wildlife Society Bulletin e1395.

Curtze, A., A. Muth, J.L. Larkin, and L. Leites. 2022. Seeing past the green: Comparing the characteristics of high graded forests to silviculture-managed forests.  Forest Ecology and Management 526:120598.

Raybuck, D. T.J. Boves; S.H. Stoleson; J.L. Larkin; N.J. Bayly, L.P. Bulluck, G.A. George, K.G. Slankard, L.J. Kearns, S. Petzinger, J.J. Cox and D.A. Buehler. 2022. Cerulean Warblers exhibit parallel migration pattern and multiple migratory stopovers within the Central American isthmus. Ornithological Applications 124.4 (2022): duac031.

Akresh, M., D.I. King, S. McInvale, J.L. Larkin, A. D'Amato. 2022. Effects of forest management on the conservation of bird communities in eastern North America: A meta-analysis. Ecosphere 14:e4315

Hightower, J.N., D.L. Crawford, W.E. Thogmartin, K.R. Aldinger, S. Barker Swarthout, D.A. Buehler, J.L. Confer, C. Friis, J.L. Larkin, J.D. Lowe, M. Piorkowski, R.W. Rohrbaugh, K.V. Rosenberg, C. Smalling, P.B. Wood, R. Vallender, A.M. Roth. 2022. Change in climatically suitable breeding distributions alters hybridization potential between Vermivora warblers. Diversity and Distributions 29:254-271

Mathis C.L., D.J. McNeil, Jr., M.R. Lee, C.M. Grozinger, C.R.V. Otto, and J.L. Larkin. 2022. Can’t See the Flowers for the Trees: Factors Driving Floral Abundance within Early-successional Forests in the Central Appalachian Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52: 1002-1013

Curtze, A., A. Muth, J.L. Larkin, and L. Leites. 2022. Decision support tools to inform the rehabilitation and management of high graded forests. Journal of Forestry

Parker, H.A., C.S. Rushing, J.T. Larkin, J.E. Duchamp, R.W. Rohrbaugh, D.J. McNeil, and J.L. Larkin. 2022. Avian response to plant community composition and structure in regenerating timber harvests protected by ungulate exclusion fencing. Avian Conservation and Ecology 17(1):2.

Casey A. Lott, Michael E Akresh, Anthony W D'Amato, Shengwu Duan, Cameron J Fiss, Jacob S Fraser, Hong S He, David I King, Darin J McNeil, Scott H Stoleson, Mariko Yamasaki, and Jeffery L Larkin. 2021. Do review papers on bird-vegetation relationships provide actionable information to forest managers in the eastern United States? Forests 2021, 12, 990. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12080990

Litvaitis, J.A., J.L. Larkin, D.J. McNeil, D. Keirstead, and B. Costanzo. 2021. Addressing the Early-Successional Habitat Needs of At-Risk Species on Privately Owned Lands in the Eastern United States. Land 10, 1116.

Ferrufino-Acosta, L., S. Y. Cruz, T. Mejía-Ordóñez, F. Rodríguez, D. Escoto, E. Sarmiento, J.L. Larkin.  2021. Floral resource used by the Honduran Emerald (Amazilia luciae) in the Agalta Valley, Honduras. Acta Botánica Mexicana 128: e1826. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21829/ abm128.2021.1826

Porter, C., Confer, J.L., K.R. Aldinger, R.A. Canterbury, J.L. Larkin, and D.J. McNeil. 2021. Strong yet incomplete reproductive isolation in Vermivora is not contradicted by other lines of evidence: A reply to Toews et al. Ecology and Evolution 2021;00:1–7. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7763

Lee, M., D.J. McNeil, C.L. Mathis, C.M. Grozinger, and J.L. Larkin. 2021. Microhabitats Created by Log Landings Support Abundant Flowers and Insect Pollinators within Regenerating Mixed-Oak Stands in the Central Appalachian Mountains.

Mathis C.L. D.J. McNeil, Jr., M.R. Lee, D.I. King, C.M. Grozinger, C.R.V. Otto, and J.L. Larkin. 2021. Pollinator communities vary with vegetation structure and time since management within regenerating timber harvests of the Central Appalachian Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management 496: (2021) 119373

Davis, M.M., T. Smyser, S.A. Johnson, J. Duchamp, J.L. Larkin, R.K. Swihart, J.M. Doyle. 2021. Reproductive success of captive-reared Allegheny Woodrats (Neotoma magister) released into genetically depauperate populations. Conservation Genetics 22:903-912.

Akresh, M., D.I. King, C. Lott, J.L. Larkin, and A.A. D'Amato. 2021.  Meta-analysis of the effects of tree retention on shrubland birds. Forest Ecology and Management 483(2021) 118730

Fiss, C.J., D.J. McNeil, A D. Rodewald, D. Hegganstaller, and J.L. Larkin. 2021. Cross-Scale Habitat Selection Reveals Within-Stand Structural Requirements for Fledgling Golden-Winged Warblers. Avian Conservation and Ecology 16 (1) article 16.

Strebel, N., C.J. Fiss, K. Kellner, J.L. Larkin, M. Kery, and J. Cohen. 2020. Estimating abundance based on time-to-detection data. Methods in Ecology DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13570

Rodríguez, F., D. Escoto, T. Mejía-Ordóñez, L. Ferrufino-Acosta, S. Y. Cruz, J. E. Duchamp, and J. L. Larkin. 2020. Nest site characteristics of the Honduran Emerald hummingbird (Amazilia luciae). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132:448-456

Jones, T.M., J.D. Brawn, I.J. Ausprey, A.C. Vitz, A.D. Rodewald, D.W. Raybuck, T.J. Boves, C.J. Fiss, D.J. McNeil, S.H. Stoleson, J.L. Larkin, W.A. Cox, A.C. Schwarzer, N. Horsley, E.M. Trumbo, and M.P. Ward. 2020. Does parent-offspring conflict determine age at fledging in songbirds? Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.2008955117

Fiss, C.J., D. J. McNeil, A.D. Rodewald, J.E. Duchamp, and J.L. Larkin. 2020. Post-fledging Golden-winged Warblers require forests with multiple stand developmental stages. Condor

Confer, J.L., C. Porter, K.R. Aldinger, R.A. Canterbury, J.L. Larkin, and D.J. McNeil. 2020. Implications for evolutionary trends from the pairing frequencies among golden-winged and blue-winged warblers and their hybrids. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.671

Parker, H.A., J.T. Larkin, D. Heggenstaller, J. Duchamp, M.C. Tyree, C.S. Rushing, E. Just-Domoto and J.L. Larkin. 2020. Evaluating the impacts of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) browsing on vegetation in fenced and unfenced timber harvests. Forest Ecology and Management, 473, 118326.

McNeil, D.J, A.D. Rodewald, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, K. Johnson, M. Strimas-Mackey, S. Petzinger, O.J. Robinson, G.E. Soto, A. Dhondt, and J.L. Larkin. 2020. Multi-scale Drivers of Restoration Outcomes for an Imperiled Songbird. Restoration Ecology doi: 10.1111/rec.13147

McNeil, D.J., A.D. Rodewald, O.J. Robinson, C.J. Fiss, K.V. Rosenberg, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, K. Aldinger, S. Petzinger, A. Dhondt, and J.L. Larkin. 2020. Regional Abundance and Local Breeding Productivity Explain Occupancy of Restored Habitats in a Migratory Songbird. Biological Conservation. 245, 108463.

Raybuck, D.W., J.L. Larkin, S.H. Stoleson, and T.J. Boves. 2020. Radio-tracking reveals insight into survival and dynamic habitat selection of fledgling Cerulean Warblers. Condor 122:1-15.

Rushing, C.S., R.W. Rohrbaugh, C. J. Fiss, C.S. Rosenberry, A.D. Rodewald, and J.L. Larkin. 2020. Long term variation in White-tailed deer abundance shapes landscape-scale population dynamics of forest songbirds. Forest Ecology and Management 456, 117629.

Graduate Student Theses (Primary Advisor)

  1. Goldman, J. 2024. Assessing the Influence of Forest Type and West Nile Virus Risk on Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa Umbellus) Occupancy in Regeneration Timber Harvests. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  2. Verch, M. 2023. Fine-scale resource selection by elk in northcentral Pennsylvania. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  3. Keele, E. C. 2022. An Assessment of Monarch Butterfly (Danaus Plexippus) and Other Pollinator Use of Two Early Successional Communities Managed for a Declining Songbird in the Western Great Lakes. MSc. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  4. Shaffer, D. 2022. Cerulean warbler (Setophaga cerulea) use of managed forests enrolled in private lands conservation programs in Pennsylvania and western Maryland. MSc. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  5. Gray, L. 2021. Detection and Occupancy of American Woodcock (Scolopax Minor) in Managed Early Successional Communities. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  6. Bomboy, K. 2020. Breeding Habitat of Blue-winged Warblers in Managed Shrublands in Southwest Pennsylvania. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  7. Parker, Halie. 2020. The Influence of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus Virginianus) Browsing on Vegetation and Avian Communities in Fenced and Unfenced Timber Harvests. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  8. Johnson, Kirstin. 2020. A Multi-regional assessment of factors influencing American Woodcock use of managed early successional communities. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  9. Mathis, C.L. 2020. Habitat Ecology of Native Pollinator Communities within Early Successional Deciduous Forests of the Central Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania. Thesis, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA.
  10. Fiss, C. J. 2017. Post-fledging habitat selection and movements of Golden-winged Warblers in managed oak forests.
  11. Rodriguez, F. 2017. Elucidating ecological attributes of the Honduran Emerald (Amazilia luciae) in the tropical dry forest of Agalta Valley, Honduras.
  12. McNeil, D.J. 2015. Habitat characteristics and territory density of Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) in-shrub wetlands of the Appalachian Mountains.
  13. Mibroda, Julie. 2014. Habitat Use of the Endemic Shorthead Garter Snake.
  14. Moon, Stephanie. 2014. A Comparison of the Abundance and Size of Lepidoteran Prey on Native and Invasive Shrub Species in Natural Areas Managed for Nesting Songbirds.
  15. Frantz, Mack. 2012. Is Spot Mapping Missing Important Aspects of Golden-Winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) Breeding Habitat?
  16. Bellush, E.C. 2012. Foraging Ecology of the Golden-Winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera): Does Plant Species Composition Matter?
  17. Evans, A. 2012. A Comparison of Cerulean Warbler Nest-Patch Vegetation Characteristics between Core and Peripheral Breeding Populations.
  18. Schneider, D. 2010. Salamander communities occupying ephemeral streams in a mixed mesophytic forest of Appalachia.
  19. Hoffman, J. 2010. Habitat Characteristics Affecting Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Populations on the Chesnut Ridge in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
  20. Gess, S. 2010. Characteristic of Fisher (Martes pennanti) rest sites in south-central Pennsylvania.
  21. Ellington E. 2010. Developing habitat models to predict fisher occupancy in Pennsylvania.
  22. Kougher, J. 2009. Multi-scale resource selection of elk (Cervus elaphus) in northcentral Pennsylvania.
  23. Heffernan, L. 2009. Effects of age, sex, and landscape composition on seasonal elk diets in Pennsylvania.
  24. DeVivo, M. 2009. Elk calf survival, movement, and neonatal habitat use in northcentral Pennsylvania.
  25. Wester, J. 2009. Assessing diet and disease in reintroduced fisher population.
  26. White, M. 2008. Avian community response to silvicultural treatments in eastern Kentucky: with an emphasis on Cerulean Warbler ecology.
  27. Frary, V. 2008. Estimating abundance and distribution of the black bear in eastern Kentucky.

Undergraduate Student theses (Primary Advisor)

  1. Can, M. 2017. Prairie Warbler breeding season ecology in northcentral Pennsylvania
  2. Leuenberger, W. 2014. A Comparison of Lepidoptera Communities Inhabiting Restored and Degraded Pitch Pine-Scrub Oak Barrens in Pennsylvania.
  3. Zeigler, C. 2013. Response of American Woodcock and Eastern Whip-poor-will to Golden-winged Warbler Habitat Management.
  4. DeVivo, M. 2007. Elk calf survival, movement, and neonatal habitat use in northcentral Pennsylvania.