Mission of Organization

To provide a representative body for the Eberly College of Business students through two representatives from each of the ECOB-recognized student organizations. In addition to representing business students, will provide a foundation for activities and functions within the ECOB.

How to Join

Membership is open to presidents and vice presidents of those student organizations seated within the Eberly College of Business. Organizations may also choose to appoint a representative to attend COBSAC meetings if the president and vice president cannot attend.

Requirements of Members (Membership Fees, Attendance, etc.)

Must attend meetings (typically biweekly) and state updates for your respective organization. Student organizations are encouraged to be involved in various events sponsored by the Eberly College of Business throughout the year and throughout the community. Student organizations must complete a minimum of one service project per semester. No fee required.

Member Quotes about the Value of COBSAC

"Being the president of COBSAC has been a great opportunity.  I have enjoyed working with and learning from other student leaders and faculty, while we have worked together to enrich students' experience in the College of Business.  COBSAC provides the opportunity for students' ideas and inputs to be heard, and I am grateful to be a part of such a great organization!"
Sandra Shanshala, COBSAC President

Title Name Email
President Sandra Shanshala S.N.Shanshala@iup.edu
Senior Vice President Miranda Akerely ntfbc@iup.edu
Vice President of Publicity Mirandra Federinko gnsy@iup.edu 
Secretary/Treasurer Janelle Soussa psfbc@iup.edu
Executive Chair Taylor Auger nphy@iup.edu
Advisor Amy Cook amycook@iup.edu