Several Department of Counseling faculty members and students recently conducted scholarly presentations at the Association for Specialists in Group Work National Conference in Dorado, Puerto Rico. Service to communities impacted by Hurricane Maria and the recent earthquakes was also provided.

Lorraine Guth and Brittany Pollard delivered the presentation 鈥淎pplication of ASGW's ten strategies to use group work to transform hate, facilitate courageous conversations, and enhance community building.鈥

Guth and doctoral student Breanne Georgiana presented 鈥淔ocus group research after the storm: The impact of Hurricane Maria on students and educators in Puerto Rico.鈥

Pollard and doctoral student Heather Uphold presented 鈥淎 qualitative exploration of how group practicum impacts clinical competence and self-efficacy.鈥

Uphold, current CES doctoral student, presented 鈥淕roup therapy among veterans: How camaraderie can bolster self-efficacy in veterans.鈥

Two days of service before the conference were also facilitated by the ASGW Special Initiatives Committee co-chairs, Pollard and Guth. On the first day of service, the team partnered with All Hands and Hearts in Yabucoa to repair homes and building structures that were damaged by Hurricane Maria. On the second day of service, another volunteer team traveled to Ponce to provide outreach to communities impacted by recent earthquakes and families who had been displaced from their homes.

Doctoral student Ashley Coombs served as volunteer coordinator for this year's conference.