The 亚色影库 Haven Project is asking for your assistance in spreading the word about our Virtual Speak Out on April 15, which will be comprised of anonymously submitted survivor stories.

Anyone that is interested in sharing their story of sexual assault can do so anonymously via the google doc linked below. We ask that if you submit a story, please leave out any identifying information for yourself and the person that caused the assault. The Haven Project will read the stories on April 15 via social media. We want to continue to show our support for victims and survivors of sexual assault. Take Back the Night 2019

The deadline to submit a story is Monday, April 13, at noon.

We See You. We Hear You. We Believe You. We Support You!

The Virtual Speak Out will take place:

  • When: April 15, 2020
  • Time: 5:00 p.m.
  • Place: Haven Project's social media accounts and on the Haven Project website (all info listed below)

Please follow the Haven Project on social media for information on Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and our other topics:

  • Facebook: 亚色影库 Haven Project
  • Twitter: @亚色影库Haven
  • Instagram: @亚色影库Haven

Questions? Email haven-project