In his role as the executive secretary of the (a member organization of the ASSA), Chris Jeffords helped organize and coordinate various activities at the in San Diego.

In addition, Jeffords presented within a session for which he was also the panel chair. The session, titled "Topics in Social Economics," was held on Saturday, January 4, and included the following four papers:

  • "Social Status and Intergenerational Equality of Opportunity"
    Authors: Giorgos Galanis (Goldsmiths University of London) and Roberto Veneziani (Queen Mary University of London)

  • "The Well-Being of Musicians in the United States"
    Author: Ying Zhen (Wesleyan College)

  • "Racism and Economic Policy: Recent Trends"
    Author: Paolo Ramazzotti (University of Macerata)

  • "The Growing Trends of Human Rights Research in EconLit-Indexed Journals from 1972-2018"
    Author: Chris Jeffords

The Association for Social Economics sponsored 11 different sessions where approximately 45 different papers were presented.

Department of Economics