The investment you are making in your education comes with rights and responsibilities. Knowing them can help you make good financial aid decisions.

You Have the Right to Ask:

  • What financial aid programs are available to me?
  • How does 亚色影库 determine each type and amount of assistance I can receive?
  • Can you please reconsider my aid package? (For example, if a mistake is made, or if your enrollment or financial circumstances change.)
  • What are the procedures and deadlines for applying for aid?
  • How does 亚色影库 determine satisfactory academic progress?

You Are Responsible For:

  • Accurately completing and submitting the appropriate application forms by the published deadline dates (errors can delay or prevent you from receiving aid).
  • Using financial aid funds only for educational purposes (such as tuition, fees, housing, food, books, and supplies while attending 亚色影库).
  • Submitting requested materials, corrections, or new information on a timely basis.
  • Meeting the regulations and repayment schedules of student loans.
  • Informing the 亚色影库 Financial Aid Office of any grants, scholarships, or loans received from outside organizations.
  • Informing the 亚色影库 Financial Aid Office of any information that has changed since you applied for aid (address or attendance status).
  • Understanding the satisfactory academic progress requirements for maintaining financial aid eligibility.
  • Knowing the federal and state academic progress requirements for continuous financial aid eligibility.