Cook Honors Core Class Fine Arts Room

Honors College Core Curriculum

The 24-credit Cook Honors College Core Curriculum replaces some of the liberal arts classes required for all 亚色影库 students.

Year Fall Spring
Freshman HNRC 101 (5 cr)
Units A, B
HNRC 102 (5 cr)
Units C, D
HNRC 202 (4 cr)*
Units E, F
Junior HCRC 201 (4 cr)
Units G, H
At Any Point Honors Experiential (0-3 cr), HC Elective (3 cr)

*HNRC 202 may be taken any spring semester after the freshman year.

HNRC 201 may be taken any fall semester after the freshman year (with permission).

HC Elective may be taken in any semester.

Honors Experiential Component: a graduate-level course, a significant study abroad experience, a second honors elective, an internship, an honors independent study, or an honors thesis. This requirement may or may not be a credit-bearing experience and may be taken in any semester or summer.

Core Classes Replace 亚色影库 Class Requirements

  • HNRC 101, 102 and 201 replace 15 credits of Liberal Studies requirements for Composition I (ENGL 101), and three humanities courses (ENGL 121; HIST 196, 197, or 198; and either RLST 100 or PHIL 120), and one fine arts course (either ARHI/MUHI/THTR 101 or DANC 102). In addition, students who complete honors units offered by social science departments will receive Liberal Studies social science credits for the appropriate corresponding departmental course.
  • HNRC 202 - HNRC 202 replaces Liberal Studies requirements for either one non-laboratory science and one social science or two non-laboratory sciences or two social sciences, depending on the units selected.
  • Departmental honors courses (H-designated courses) count toward the total number of honors credits required for Cook Honors College graduation. Students are also encouraged to convert upper level courses in their major into H-designated courses by proposing and adding an honors project in consultation with their course professor. Students may also enroll for Honors thesis credit by completing the necessary approval forms and scheduling HNRC 483 honors thesis/independent study or, in some departments, by scheduling a departmental honors thesis course.
  • Students are required to do at least one of the following experiential components: study abroad, internship, honors thesis, research, or independent study. In the absence of a suitable cocurricular experience, an additional graduate course may be substituted. This requirement may or may not be a credit-bearing experience.

GPA Guidelines

Cook Honors College students are required to maintain a cumulative 3.25 GPA. If you fall below the 3.25 GPA, you will have one semester of honors probation during which you may attempt to raise your cumulative GPA to 3.25 to remain in good standing.

The Honors College staff and faculty, along with your advisor for your major, are available to guide you throughout your college experience. If you are having a rough semester, talk to them about your situation. They can point you toward tutoring opportunities, the Writing Center, taking a class as pass/fail, the counseling center, and other resources that might be helpful.

Students who are dismissed from the Cook Honors College may apply for readmission when their GPA returns to the required minimum.  CHC merit scholarships are also reinstated when students return to good academic standing.

Community Service Requirement with Scholarships

Every student who receives a scholarship through the Cook Honors College is required to complete 60 hours of community service within each academic year they are a student in our program. You are free to choose the organizations and causes you wish to devote your hours to (within a few guidelines).