Four Honors College students standing and talking outside Whitmyre Hall

Some Guidelines for Whitmyre, Our Honors College Home

The faculty/student spaces in include areas on the first floor and the basement, which are for the use of the entire Honors College community. 

There is one major principle for use of community space: be considerate of other members of the community as well as the building itself. It's your home.

Iterations that follow from that principle:

  • The Great Hall is the place where much out-of-class learning happens. We encourage you to spend some time in the Great Hall and to introduce yourselves to each other. If a group needs to use the Great Hall for a project or rehearsal, please relocate or move to the back of the room to study quietly. Group needs trump individual preferences in the Great Hall. Large groups may watch films in the Great Hall, while small groups are requested to use any of the other classrooms.
  • People who are not Honors College students are "guests." If you are hosting a guest, you are required by residence hall policy to be with that person constantly and to be responsible for their behavior.
  • The pool salon in the basement has very nice balls and cues. We thought about requiring check-out for those, but decided that would limit hours when you could play. So we installed a camera focused on the cue and ball rack. When you leave, make sure they appear on the video.
  • Clean up after yourself, especially in the kitchen. Label any food you put in the refrigerator with your name and date.
  • Please don't chain your bike to the tree. It strips the bark and weakens the tree.

Thank you for following the building rules and respecting each other and the building we share as our Honors College home.