Basic Sites

; categories include: pre-history, ancient/biblical, medieval, early modern European, US history, twentieth century, WWII, art history, maps; also links to key history networks

Nineteenth Century in Print

; over 5,500 books in many languages

Native Americans

(Illinois); archeological and cultural information about Cahokia

; Anasazi, Mogollon, Membres, Hohokam, and other ancient peoples of the American Southwest

; anthropology sites links

; materials on Native American culture

; information on Native Americans; nineteenth century; other interesting subjects, such as paper-making, etc.

Columbian Exchange

contains historians' essays on religious history and environmental history; the Columbian Exchanges is discussed in an essay from Alfred Crosby

; Cortez and the Pizarro brothers; Aztec civilizations, etc.

Colonial America

University of Virginia site; Virtual Jamestown; continuous; maps; historical records; early settlers' names and occupations; a lot of links to laws of early Virginia; slavery; Bacon's Rebellion; etc.

; religion and founding of America

PBS video (four parts) about history of American slavery

; also containing information important historical figures in the Middle Colonies; other subjects include religion, Native Americans; links to other colonies

A PBS production ("American Experience" series) based on Martha Ballard's diary and the book by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

; primary sources; maps; excellent site for the subject

The American Revolution

, primary sources for British-American relations for four centuries

; this site also offers a detailed chronology of US history

; essays; PBS production Liberty; and links to Founding Fathers, etc.

The Constitution and Constitutional Issues

; links for important legal resources

; collections emphasizes on legal, political, diplomatic history; also contains resources on African Americans, slavery, German-Americans, Cold War, etc.

On Shays's Rebellion

, containing a lot of archival information and useful sources on the American Revolution, Confederation, and Constitution

Biography of Alexander Hamilton

Early Republic Period

; archive materials and other sites related to canal history

Text of Alexis de Tocquevilles' Democracy in America

; Native American and African American religion

, with essays and other resources

Slavery, Slave Culture, and Slave Resistance

; particularly, look at the from slavery to freedom, slaves and courts, and pamphlets collections; slave narratives; oral history

PBS documentary of "Africans in America" (Part II) covering the period of the Revolution; information of religion, freedom, and bondage in the Colonial era; the Constitution

Part III of "Africans in America" covering 1791-1831; topics include: black church, resistance, colonization, growth of slavery

Part IV of "Africans in America" covering 1831-1865; antebellum slavery, abolitionism, western expansion, Civil War

; the main page offers other useful subjects, such as civil rights movement, Brown case, and jazz, etc.

Slavery narratives, online anthology

Early American Industrialization, Reforms


On religious culture of the Shakers; links to useful resources on religious history

American South

; containing resources on slavery, slave narratives, Civil War, religious history, North Carolina history, southern literature, etc.

Abolitionist Movement

The Civil War Era

A portrayal of two communities, one northern and the other southern, from the years immediately before until immediately after the Civil War.

; note plantation map from South Carolina; some photos of slavery times

PBS documentary on John Brown

PBS documentary on the Lincolns

; primary sources, too.

Civil War Primary Documents

Reconstruction Era Primary Documents

Lincoln's veto of the Wade-Davis Bill

; with sample documents and important laws (text) for the period of slavery and Civil War, Reconstruction

History of the West

contains both photographs and primary documents on westward expansion during the nineteenth century

Booker T. Washington



American World War I posters



A description of the My Lai incident