The Test Scoring Request form has several options. These are the options and instructions for each option. These instructions include important steps for administering the exam and how to prepare the exam for scoring.

Also on the form, you can request which reports you would like to print. All reports listed are automatically generated via the Test Scoring Service and will be available on the dispatch share. By selecting the reports on this request form, you will also get a physical copy printed at the Support Center.

Standard Exam

A standard exam is an exam where:

  • Each question is worth one point.
  • There are no bonus questions.
  • There is only one version of the exam.
  • There is no penalty for guessing (formula scoring is not used).
  • There are no multiple responses.

Administering the Exam

  • No special steps are needed to administer the exam.
Exams with Multiple Versions

You can administer an exam with multiple versions and have it scored as one exam (with a combined results file and combined reports) by using the Seat Number field on the General Purpose Answer Sheet.

Administering the Exam

  1. Determine how many versions of the exam you will have.
  2. Identify a unique Seat Number value for each version. If you will have three versions of the exam:
    • Version 1 could be assigned 11 as the seat number
    • Version 2 could be assigned 56 as the seat number
    • Version 3 could be assigned 99 as the seat number

Making the values significantly different will reduce the possibility of error.

  1. Have the students enter the appropriate Seat Number value for their exam version when they complete the General Purpose Answer Sheet.Students should not make any stray marks on the General Purpose Answer Sheet.For example, do not write "Yellow" in the margin to indicate the exam version.

When completing an answer key for each version of the exam, be sure to enter the appropriate seat number value for each answer key. Do not make any stray marks on the Answer Key. For example, do not write "Yellow" in the margin to indicate the exam version for the answer key.


If you are processing an exam with multiple versions, all questions must have the same point value. You also cannot use multiple response options if you are processing an exam with multiple versions.

Multiple Point Values

When you have an exam processed by the test scoring system, you can assign all questions a point value of one, or you can assign different point values to different questions. This is sometimes called weighted scoring. You may use whole numbers only (1, 2, 3). You cannot use fractions or decimal values.

Please note that you will need only one answer key (unlike earlier versions of the test scoring system).

Complete the 亚色影库 Test Scoring Request Form/Envelope. Be sure to select the appropriate check box for point values. You must use whole numbers. The options are:

  • All questions should use point value of ___(must be a whole number, not a decimal)
  • Different point values should be used as follows:
    • Questions 1 through ___ should use point value of ___
    • Questions ___ through ___ should use point value of ___
    • Questions ___ through ___ should use point value of ___
    • Questions ___ through ___ should use point value of ___

Administering the Exam

  • No special steps are needed to administer the exam; however, you may wish to review the options on the Test Scoring Request Form for assigning point values. It's easiest to group the questions together on the exam.


If the exam has multiple versions, all questions must have the same point value. You can use any point value, but it must apply to all questions.

Formula Scoring

You can administer an exam and score it using the formula scoring option.

This option will deduct a decimal value for an incorrect response based on a formula using the possible number of responses:

1/(possible responses -1)

For example, if there are five possible responses, .25 is deducted for an incorrect response. There is no penalty and no point awarded for a blank response.

Complete the 亚色影库 Test Scoring Request Form/Envelope. Be sure to select the appropriate check box for formula scoring and indicate the number of possible responses for the questions (two through seven).

Administering the Exam

No special steps are needed to administer the exam; however, you will want to inform the students that the exam will use formula scoring and they will be penalized for incorrect answers.

  • If you choose seven (7) possible responses, 0.167 will be deducted for an incorrect response.
  • If you choose six (6) possible responses, 0.2 will be deducted for an incorrect response.
  • If you choose five (5) possible responses, 0.25 will be deducted for an incorrect response.
  • If you choose four (4) possible responses, 0.333 will be deducted for an incorrect response.
  • If you choose three (3) possible responses, 0.5 will be deducted for an incorrect response.
  • If you choose two (2) possible responses, 1.0 will be deducted for an incorrect response.
Bonus Questions

Bonus questions can be identified on an exam so that students will receive credit if a correct answer is received, but the question is not counted in the total possible points. If you have a 26-question exam with one bonus question, scores will be based on 25 possible points.

Please note that bonus questions cannot be identified for exams with multiple versions.

Complete the answer key. If there are 26 questions on the exam, the student ID field on your answer key will show "1 26." Complete the 亚色影库 Test Scoring Request Form/Envelope. Be sure to complete the bonus question section to indicate that "Q___ has a bonus value of ___." You can identify up to six bonus questions.

Administering the Exam

  • No special steps are needed to administer the exam.
Multiple Responses on an Exam

You can administer an exam with one or more questions that have multiple correct responses.

In addition, you can specify whether the students must match all correct responses (AND) or you can specify when the students must match only one correct response (OR). When using the OR option, students can only specify one answer. If a student fills in two answers, it will be scored as incorrect.

You cannot combine these two options on the same exam.

Complete the 亚色影库 Test Scoring Request Form/Envelope. Be sure to select the appropriate check box for multiple responses:

  • Not applicable
  • All responses on the answer key (AND)
  • One of the responses on the answer key (OR)

Administering the Exam

No special steps are needed to administer the exam, except in the way the questions are phrased. For example, if a question has two correct responses, you might phrase the question as:

  • Which two countries begin with the letter C?
    1. Canada
    2. Brazil
    3. Mexico
    4. Denmark
    5. Chile

You can identify subtestsor learning objectivesfor an exam to receive separate scores based on those learning objectives.

Complete the 亚色影库 Test Scoring Request Form/Envelope. Be sure to select the appropriate check box for subtests, and identify the questions in each subtest (up to 10)

  • Subtests: To receive scores based on subtests (learning objectives), please identify the groups of questions in each subtest:
    Subtest 1: Questions 1 through ___
    Subtest 2: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 3: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 4: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 5: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 6: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 7: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 8: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 9: Questions ___ through ___
    Subtest 10: Questions ___ through ___

Administering the Exam

  • No special steps are needed to administer the exam.

Report Printing Options

You will receive an e-mail with a link to the Dispatch Share. You will be able to retrieve the reports that are automatically produced with each set of exams. Please note that some testing options will not produce all reports.

All available reports for your scoring selections will be generated and placed on the Dispatch Share in a secure folder that only you can access. The name of the folder is your username. A link to this folder will be sent to you in your e-mail notification when the exam is completed.

Remember, only select the reportsifyou wish them to be printed at the Support Center. Reports are always available on the Dispatch Share.

Reports Available

The test scoring system provides a variety of reports. Based on the test type, these reports are generated for all tests by default.

Nine reports are generated for a standard exam, with five available for printing by the IT Support Center. For exams with multiple versions, only three reports are generated, with two available for printing by the IT Support Center. All reports can be viewed online by the faculty member.

The table below describes each report.

Report Name and Description

Available to Print

Available Online

Available with Multiple Versions

101 Student Statistics Report
Student name, ID, exam score (one line per student). Report is in alphabetical order by student's name.
104 Test Statistics Report
Maximum score, minimum score, mean score, mean percent, range, standard deviation, variance, percentiles, confidence, intervals and test reliability statistics.
105 Student Response Report
Chart with correct and incorrect answers by student and question. Report is in alphabetical order by student's name.
106 Condensed Test Report
Response frequencies for each question along with correct group responses, nondistractors, and point biserial data.
201 Detailed Item Analysis
Responses, frequency, percent, and point biserial data for each question, including a graph.
203 Item Analysis Graph Report
Responses, frequency, and percent for each question, including a graph.
204 Condensed Item Analysis Report
Response, frequency, and percent who responded with graphs for each question. Also shows responses that were chosen more than the correct response.
207 Test Item Statistics Report
Summary statistics for each question, including number of correct, incorrect and non-responses, point biserial data, and percent correct.
301 Student Grade Report
Individual report for each student showing the student's name, ID, score, percent score, the student's response to each question, and the correct response.