Information regarding 亚色影库's Centrex phone system.

亚色影库 converted from the Centrix phone system to a VoiP system, however, there are a few phones that are not able to be converted.

Please note on these phones that you will need to use 10-digit dialing when making on-campus calls.

If you have any questions about the conversion, please log an ticket.

Feature codes and their uses

Call Transfer

Depress the flash key. Listen for three fast beeps and then you will hear a solid dial tone. Dial the desired party, announce the transfer, and hang up. "Flash" is also designated as "switch hook" or "link" on some telephones.

Three-Way Conference

Depress the flash key. Listen for three fast beeps and then you will hear a solid dial tone. Dial third party. Announce the conference. Depress the flash key. All three parties will now be able to converse. Any one of the three participants can drop off the call and the other two can continue their discussion.

A word of caution: If you bring in a third party using long distance dialing and then drop off of the call, you will be responsible for the long distance charges incurred by the two parties who remain on the call.

Call Hold

To activate, depress the flash key. Listen for three fast beeps and then you will hear a solid dial tone. Dial #. Hear confirming tones; i.e., a short burst of broken tones. The caller is now on hold, at this point you can lay down the receiver or make a new call. The original caller will remain on hold until you either return to the caller or the caller hangs up on you.

To return to a caller on hold, you must hang up your phone. Your telephone will ring, and when you answer you will be connected to the original caller. Alternatively, if you have not made a new call, i.e., you laid the receiver down but did not make a new call, you may depress the flash key and dial # to reconnect.

Call Pickup

Call pickup groups must be defined and administered by Verizon. This feature allows mutually agreed-upon users to answer other ringing lines within the including group. Once the Call Pickup Group has been established, if one member of the group hears the telephone of another member of the group ring, the remote telephone can be answered by getting dial tone and depressing the * (star) key. If more than one telephone line in a defined call pickup group is ringing, depressing the * subsequently will continue to ring.

Call Forward Variable

This feature is used to temporarily redirect calls to another telephone number. Most often, the telephone number to which calls are directed will be another line within Centrex. If, however, you are redirecting calls to a cellular telephone number, there are additional steps to be followed.

To activate the feature, dial the Centrex feature code 131. You must follow the feature code with a valid telephone number to which calls are transferred. If, for instance, you are transferring to another telephone number within Centrex, you dial the 131 code and follow it immediately with 7xxxx, where "xxxx" is the last four digits of a 357 telephone number. You will hear three short beeps followed by a ringing line indication. The telephone number to which you are forwarding is the ringing line. The beeps indicate the feature has been recognized, and the ringing line allows you the opportunity to tell the person who answers the phone that you have transferred your calls to them. In this use of the call forwarding feature, you do not need the other party to answer and, in fact, you can simply hang up once given the three beeps and you hear the other line start to ring.

If you are forwarding to a mobile telephone number, you must follow the steps described above with the following changes. You will dial the Centrex feature code 131, but immediately following that code you will need to use the same string of digits you would use to dial the mobile telephone number; i.e., 131 then 9724388xxxx. Again, you will hear three short beeps and a ringing line indication. In this use of the call forwarding application, you mustwait for the ringing line to be answered in order for the call forwarding process to actually complete and work in the expected manner.

The Reminder Ring

At your desk phone the forwarded line you will hear a short ring each time someone calls the telephone number. This ring is intended to remind you that you have forwarded calls to another line. You cannot receive a call when the line is forwarded. This short ring is sometimes misinterpreted as a phone problem when users forget that they have forwarded their line.

To Cancel Call Forwarding

Using the phone that calls were forwarded from, listen for a dial tone, then dial the Centrex feature code 141 and hear three short beeps followed by solid dial tone. Call forwarding is now canceled, and user calls will ring at the desktop.

Caller ID And Related Features

Caller ID displays the telephone number of the person who is calling. The caller ID information is passed to your telephone by Verizon between the first and second ring. This information will be displayed if your telephone instrument is capable or if you have attached a special unit which displays the number to your telephone. Many phones and auxiliary display units maintain a call history so you can review who has called you. Callers may also choose to have their numbers blocked when making a call.

Blocking the Display of Your Phone Number

When you call someone who has Caller ID, your phone number will appear on their display unit. You may choose to block the display of your phone number by using Per Call Blocking or Line Blocking. There is no charge if you use Per Call Blocking. Verizon will assess a one-time service charge if you request permanent Line Blocking.

  • Per Call Blocking
    • Dial 670.
    • Dial the telephone number of the person you are calling.

Anonymous Call Rejection

If you do not wish to receive calls from people who block the display of their phone numbers, activate the Anonymous Call Rejection feature.

When ACR is activated, your phone will not ring when an anonymous call is received. The caller will receive a recorded message saying that blocked calls are not accepted.

  • To Activate ACR:
    • Dial 120.
  • To deactivate ACR:
    • Dial 123.

Verizon Voicemail

Verizon voicemail is intended for a wide and diverse clientele. Verizon may offer for you to call a toll-free telephone number for assistance. 亚色影库 users are supported locally and should call IT Support. If you have questions or problems, please do not call Verizon. Report your problems or questions to IT Support at 7-4000.

Entering Verizon Voicemail

  • From an 亚色影库 Centrex telephone number:
    • Dial the Verizon voicemail access telephone number, i.e. 9-1-877-584-9321.
    • Enter your pass code.
    • Proceed.
  • From a Telephone Number that is not an 亚色影库 Centrex telephone number:
    • Dial the Verizon voicemail access telephone number, i.e. 877-584-9321.
    • Enter the 10-digit telephone number associated with your Verizon voicemail, i.e. 724357xxxx followed by the # key.
    • Enter your pass code followed by the # key.
    • Proceed

Entering Verizon Voicemail For the First Time

This procedure assumes you are accessing the system from an 亚色影库 Centrex Telephone number.

  • Dial the Verizon voicemail access telephone number; i.e., 9-1-877-584-9321.
  • At this point, the voicemail system will recognize that this is the first time you've used the system and will guide you through the following steps:
    • Enter your temporary pass code (the last four digits of your phone number). If you do not know this pass code, then call the IT Support Center.
    • Create a new personal pass code of your choosing.
    • Record your greeting or choose to use the standard default.
    • Record your personal name (Note:If this is a departmental voicemail, it is better to record the department name rather than your own name).
    • Continue to follow the script provided by Verizon to complete the setup.
    • Skip any step requesting information that seems obscure or unnecessary.
  • Call the IT Support Center if you have questions or concerns.

Checking Your Voicemail Messages

  • Enter the Verizon voicemail system at 9-1-877-584-9321.
  • From the main menu, press 1 to access the Message Menu.
  • Use the following options:
    • Repeat the message - press 1
    • Save the message - press 2
    • Delete the message - press 3
    • Additional choices are available; listen to the prompts for details

Greeting: Select 3 At Main Menu

There are several types of greetings available in NUMS. The titles are somewhat confusing, so you can choose any (1, 2, or 3) and record whatever message you would like. You can also choose the default message, for which you will need to record your name (option 4). In order to create a "busy" greeting, select 6.

Mailbox Options: Select 4 At Main Menu

If you would like to change your PIN, select 1.

Note: Your Verizon voicemail pass code must be four to 10 digits in length. You may change your pass code at any time and as often as you wish.

You can toggle message headers on and off by selecting 3. These headers include information about who sent the message and when. If headers are toggled off, you can still access them by pressing 8 at the Message Menu.

Copyright Disclaimer

The above information was adapted from information published by Verizon either in print form or electronically. This work is intended to provide documentation focused on the use of Verizon's National Unified Message Service (NUMS) product by the 亚色影库 (亚色影库) community. It is acknowledged that all material presented herein is derived from, or directly copied from, a document or web-published statement originated by Verizon.