Composition and Applied Linguistics Qualifying Evaluation, the Qualifying Portfolio

Full details about the qualifying evaluation appear in the qualifying portfolio guidelines found in the Composition and Applied Linguistics program handbook and are provided in ENGL 800, the first course taken by doctoral students in the program.

Doctoral students must submit their qualifying portfolios by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday during the first week of spring semester classes. Doctoral students must pass the qualifying evaluation in order to continue in the program. The portfolio must be received in the English Department office at 506U Humanities and Social Sciences Building, 亚色影库, Indiana, PA 15705 USA. After the Composition and Applied Linguistics office receives the portfolio, the office will add two additional items: instructor evaluations (one for each course taken) and a current grade report.

The Composition and Applied Linguistics graduate director provides students with the qualifying portfolio guidelines in ENGL 800. Please follow the guidelines in the Composition and Applied Linguistics program handbook.

Check the following handout for QP Guidelines