Authors need to be subscribers to the journal in order to be considered for review and publication. Authors are requested to attach an electronic copy of the article they wish to have considered for publication and send it to:

Reena Dube, Editor ( or
Studies in the Humanities
Department of Language, Literature, and Writing
110 Leonard Hall
Indiana, PA 15705

The manuscript (at least 10,000 words in length, but no more than 12,000 words, although longer essays will also be considered with good reason), double-spaced, in 12-pt. Times New Roman font using Chicago style of documentation should be electronically submitted. Please do not include your name anywhere on your manuscript or book review. Place it in a separate attachment. Also please do not use embedded endnotes or footnotes. Footnotes should be at the end of the essay with no page division between them and the text or the Works Cited list that should follow it. Email inquiries regarding possible essay topics may be sent to the editor.

Articles will be sent for review to two readers. The usual turn-around time for an article, the time needed for us to reach a decision, is generally one to three months. The time varies according to the readers' commitments, availability at certain times of the year, and so on.