Theater and Dance News

The Lively Arts maintains the only official events calendar for the College of Fine Arts. It includes all performances and exhibits that are presented by the departments and programs within the College that are open to the general public.

Initial Calendar Entries

Over the summer months, we take calendars provided by the departments and enter those items by the beginning of August, earlier when possible. Once those are on the calendar, we will e-mail all Fine Arts faculty and staff members asking them to make sure their event is listed and is accurate. After that process is complete, it will be the responsibility of the faculty and staff leading an event to make sure that new events are sent to us along with any corrections or changes throughout the year. Those can be sent to

Art News

Submitting Calendar Items and Updates

It is critical that this calendar remains current and accurate, as it is the primary source for the must recent information for literally thousands of people. Therefore, we ask that you submit calendar items, changes, and updates in a timely manner, preferably a minimum of one month in advance.

It is simple. Just e-mail immediately after confirming the information and include who, what, when, and where. A short description is also very helpful. Your event will be included on the Central Calendar as well as on your department's calendar in addition to the Lively Arts calendar. If, at anytime, you see any mistakes with your event, please e-mail us right away. This calendar is also sent monthly to about 75 media sources and local offices.

Music News

Student Exhibits and Performances

We can include graduate thesis exhibits that are presented in Kipp Gallery as well as Acorn Project Honors productions on the Lively Arts' calendar. For these events, and to ensure accuracy and proper communication, the request for these events to be included should come from a faculty member and not the student. However, undergraduate events such as regular Acorn Project Productions, student exhibits, and student music recitals will not be included. At the department's discretion, these events can be entered by the department for their calendar or a listing on their webpage. Due to the history of these to change often, they should not be included on the Central Calendar at any time.

Departmental Calendars

Departments do often maintain calendars for internal use. These are not official event calendars and may or may not be accurate. Do not use these for event purposes or share them them with the public. Always refer to the official online calendar, as that is the one that is seen by literally thousands of people.

Museum News

Who Sees Your Event Item?

The Media and Other Sources

We send an electronic version of the calendar to over 75 media and information sources on or around the 10th of every month. This is one of the many reasons it is important to make sure your event is included and is accurately listed.


  • The Central Calendar: The online calendar is seen by thousands, and it's difficult to give an exact number. But the link to this, generally referred to as the “Central Calendar,” is on 亚色影库's home page and numerous other pages, as well as on every home page within the College of Fine Arts. It is also tied closely to the 亚色影库 mobile app, My亚色影库, Crimson Connect, and other sources.
  • We often feature stories on our Facebook page, which is followed by over 4.100 fans and growing regularly. It is often also featured on the 亚色影库 Facebook page. We work to make sure that people looking at the postings are then driven to the college webpages and to our calendar entries.
  • Every event on the calendar is posted on the Lively Arts' Twitter account at least one time on the day of or the day before the event. There are over 1,400 followers. The 亚色影库 Twitter account also posts each event at least once and many of our followers then re-tweet the postings that can extend into hundreds and thousands more.
  • We also post a few pictures of events or activities on our Instagram account, #iuplivelyarts.'
  • Text Messages: We have set up a text message service where we will text updates and promotional information to audience members. To sign up, text "Lively" to 313131.
  • We maintain both a regular mailing list and e-mail list. You can click on the mailing list link to sign up for both regular and email lists or text "JoinLivelyArts" to 22828 to sign up for the e-mail list.
  • 亚色影库 Daily: All calendar items are also posted in the 亚色影库 Daily e-mail to all employees (over 1,600) starting four to seven days before the event.

Direct Calendar Links