1. In the My亚色影库 portal, log in to .
    • Go to Discover. Search for "grade management." On the Grade Management card, click Request Grade Change.
  2. The instructor will now see a pull-down menu of the terms in which he/she taught classes within the past two years. Note: Grade changes older than two years will need to be submitted and approved on a paper Grade Change form.
  3. After choosing a term, the screen will list all of the courses the primary instructor of record taught.
  4. After selecting a course and clicking Submit, the screen will display a class roster, including Banner ID, student's name, and current letter grade.
  5. Click the radio button beside the applicable student's name and click Submit. If you choose the wrong student, click on the “Reset Form” box at the bottom of the roster to go back.
  6. The screen will display a confirmation page. Click Submit. This will open the Grade Change request form, which looks exactly like the paper form.
  7.  Choose a reason for the grade change request. Add justification in the text box. Choose the new grade from the pull-down menu.
  8.  Click submit and a confirmation page will show.

An email will then automatically be sent to the appropriate department chairperson informing him/her that they have a Grade Change form to review and approve. One email will be sent per day for all grade changes that have landed in the chairperson's queue that day. A reminder email will be sent to the chairperson and his/her secretary in five calendar days if the forms haven't been electronically approved within that time. A second reminder will be sent in 10 calendar days. After 15 calendar days, the applicable A-Dean will get an email that there are unapproved Grade Change forms in the department chairperson's queue.

Once the chairperson electronically approves the Grade Change form, the A-Dean of the college in which the course was taught will get an email to approve Grade Change forms in his/her queue. The same reminder protocol as above will occur.

Once the first A-Dean electronically approves the Grade Change form, the A-Dean in the college of the student's major will get an email to approve it. The same reminder protocol will occur.

Note: If the A-Dean is the same for signatures #3 and #4, only one approval will be necessary.

Once all approvers have electronically signed off on the form, it will flow into the Registrar's Office queue.

Once a day, the assigned staff member in the Registrar's Office will access the queue and manually enter the new grade into the student's record on Banner. As already happens now, the student will get an automatic email informing them of the grade change.

The form will then be electronically stored and can be accessed by clicking on View grade change requests by student (Banner ID). A specific student's grade change can be viewed via this link, which is the third one below Request grade change. If you want to query another student, click on the Submit button on the final screen and you will be returned to the first screen.

If you are a department chairperson or A-Dean, to view any pending Grade Change requests in your queue for approval, click on View your grade change requests. This appears immediately below Request grade change. Click the appropriate radio button. Follow the easy-to-understand instructions embedded in the screen and you will be able to approve or deny requests in your queue.

Last revised: 09/21/2015