The project director will partner with many university offices and the 亚色影库 RI for help with implementation and monitoring throughout the project. These offices include:

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

In relation to sponsored projects, the provost signs the Authorization Form to Seek External Funding after university proposal review and prior to proposal submission. Upon award, the Office of the Provost may review any academic issues related to sponsored projects. For project administration, all faculty appointments, summer contracts, off-campus fellowships and sabbaticals are processed through the Office of the Provost.

School of Graduate Studies and Research

The School of Graduate Studies and Research provides leadership and support for graduate education and the advancement of research and scholarly activity by faculty, administrators, and students. For questions related to matching funds, graduate assistantships, human subjects, animal subjects, integrity in research/scientific misconduct, technology transfer, and other compliance matters, contact the assistant dean for Research, School of Graduate Studies and Research.

College Deans

For sponsored programs, college deans are instrumental in supporting research and scholarly activities of their faculty. The dean signs off on the Authorized Form to Seek External Funding prior to proposal submission and may support external activities by providing funds to match the external award.

亚色影库 Research Institute

The 亚色影库 Research Institutes provides pre- and post-award services to the university related to externally funded projects. The names, contact information, and assignments of each project development officer and all 亚色影库 RI staff can be found on the 亚色影库 RI website or by calling the main phone number 724-357-2223.

Grant and Special Fund Accounting Office

The Grant and Special Fund Accounting Office is within the Division of Administration and Finance. This office is responsible for assisting the project director with grants that are awarded to the university; procedural, regulatory, and fiscal concerns; establishing cost centers; monitoring the project budget; ensuring compliance with all PASSHE, university, and funding regulations; and preparation of all required financial reports.

Procurement Services

Procurement Services is part of the Administration and Finance Division. Procurement Services is responsible for acquiring all equipment, supplies, and contractual services for the university, regardless of the funding source.

Office of Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources is responsible for the university's employment policies and procedures. In relation to sponsored projects, the Office of Human Resources is responsible for coordinating the employment (position classification, hiring, benefits, etc.) for all grant or contract funded project personnel.

Faculty/Staff Payroll Services

As part of the Administration and Finance Division, Faculty/Staff Payroll Services is responsible for processing the payroll for faculty and staff employees. The office also provides assistance to employees in the processing of benefit options, direct deposit, and tax exemption, and maintains leave records for all employees.

Student Payroll Services

Student Payroll Services processes the payroll for undergraduate and graduate student employees, graduate assistants, and teaching associates. In relation to sponsored projects, Student Payroll Services processes grant funded employment and assistantships.