Our History and Mission

The Associates for Student Development is a graduate student organization with membership limited to Student Affairs in Higher Education degree candidates. Its mission is to promote professional development through discussions of current issues, movements, and/or changes in higher education, as well as to enhance rapport between members of the SAHE community by serving as a forum for the dissemination of information at regular meetings throughout the academic year.

There are also social events that ASD coordinates, providing community within the cohort (e.g., SAHE Kick-off, Thanksgiving Dinner, Game Nights). ASD provides its members with opportunities to participate in a mentor/mentee program at the beginning of the year. Your mentor will be a second-year student and will help you become acquainted with SAHE as well as the benefits of ASD. A one-time participation fee of $20 helps to defer the cost of events and support the résumé project.


All members of ASD can join one of the various committees, which are overseen by the executive board. These include the Service Committee, Professional Development Committee, and Social Committee. Special committees, such as Opening Kick-Off Committee, and Banquet Committee, are formed throughout the year as well with departmental supervision.

The 2021-2022 ASD Executive Board2021–22 ASD Officers

  • President: Marc Vukotich
  • Vice President of Finance and Membership: Justin Lew
  • Vice President of Communications: Abreeya Darda
  • Vice President of Professional Development: CeCe Martz
  • Vice President of Programming: Matthew Grayo
  • Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thomas Segar

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The Graduate Student Assembly is a consortium of 亚色影库 graduate students who collectively work on issues pertinent to the graduate students of the 亚色影库 campuses. As GSA's decisions affect us—their events are open to all ASD members—we work closely to provide support for their organization.

Professional Organizations

Student Affairs has many professional organizations linked to functional areas. Below, you will find links to the broad organizations for student affairs.

NASPA is the largest professional association for student affairs administrators, faculty, and graduate students.
ACPA provides outreach, advocacy, research, and professional development to foster college student learning.
PCPA serves student affairs personnel in higher education in Pennsylvania.


Associates for Student Development Constitution

I. Organization Name

The organization shall be known as the Associates for Student Development; herein referred to as ASD.

II. Effective Date

This document shall take effect on July 1, 2007.

III. Purpose

The purpose of the organization is

  1. To promote professional development through discussions of current issues, movements, and/or changes in higher education.
  2. To enhance rapport among Student Affairs practitioners, Student Affairs master's degree candidates, Student Affairs in Higher Education faculty, and Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE)/Student Personnel Services (SPS) alumni.
  3. To promote and develop a greater degree of community among SAHE students.
  4. To serve as a forum for the dissemination of information at regular meetings throughout the academic year.

IV. Membership

  1. Membership to ASD is limited to current SAHE degree candidates.
  2. All SAHE students are voting members of ASD.

V. Responsibility of Members

  1. All first-year SAHE students shall submit a program participation payment of $20 to the ASD vice president of Administration within the first month of the Fall semester.
  2. This payment is a one-time financial commitment that supports the activities of the program and ASD (such as Thanksgiving dinner, Comps breakfast, orientation, and opening activity) for the length of the student's enrollment in the program.
  3. A financial waiver application will be available to any student who claims financial hardship and must be approved by both the ASD president and faculty advisor.
  4. Attendance at general meetings, activities, and participation in at least one standing committee is strongly encouraged.

VI. Meeting Procedures

  1. General ASD meetings shall be held at least once each month as scheduled by the Executive Board.
  2. These meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, at the discretion of the presiding officer. When a conflict between Robert's Rules and the constitution arises, the constitution shall prevail.
  3. The Executive Board shall meet prior to the general ASD meetings but shall not meet on the same day.
  4. The president shall call Executive Board meetings when necessary.

VII. Quorum

  1. Quorum shall be 20 percent of the ASD voting members.
  2. In the absence of quorum at a regularly scheduled ASD meeting, those voting members present may vote to suspend this rule except for the purpose of voting on financial allocations exceeding $200 and impeachment.

VIII. Election Procedures

  1. Elections shall be held by the last general meeting of the Fall semester.
  2. Nominations shall be closed at least one week prior to elections. Nominated individuals must be notified at the close of nominations.
  3. Nominations shall begin no more than four weeks and no less than two weeks prior to the close of nominations.

IX. Executive Board

Section 1: Description
  1. The Executive Board shall consist of a president, vice president of Public Relations, vice president of Administration, vice president for Professional Development, vice president of Programming, past president, and a faculty advisor.
  2. Executive Board members must be voting members of ASD.
  3. All members shall serve for a one-year term from January to January of the following year.
  4. Executive Board members may serve on ASD committees other than their own but cannot hold a chairperson position.
Section 2: Positions

A. President

  1. Shall preside over Executive Board and general meetings.
  2. Shall prepare agendas prior to each meeting.
  3. Shall serve as chair of the Service Committee, which includes the Thanksgiving dinner.
  4. Shall coordinate the nomination and election process in a timely manner during the Fall semester.
  5. Shall create ad-hoc committees as needed.
  6. Shall appoint positions that become vacant during his/her term.

B. Vice President of Administration

  1. Shall assume the role of president when the president yields his/her chair, is unable to fulfill his/her duties, resigns, or is impeached from office.
  2. Shall be responsible for taking minutes during Executive Board and general meetings.
  3. Shall keep accurate records of attendance for Executive and general meetings.
  4. Shall manage the dues and other budgetary monies of ASD.
  5. Shall oversee the dispersion of ASD funds.
  6. Shall prepare and present monthly financial reports at general meetings.
  7. Shall be responsible for creating and maintaining a budget for each academic year.
  8. Shall oversee the Mentor/Mentee Committee.

C. Vice President of Public Relations

  1. Shall serve as the chief communication liaison among the SAHE department, ASD, and the 亚色影库 community.
  2. Shall serve as the chair of the Public Relations Committee.
  3. Shall coordinate the Mini-Résumé publication until its completion.
  4. Shall design and maintain the ASD bulletin board.
  5. Shall post minutes of general meetings.
  6. Shall publish and update the semester calendar, including all meetings and events.
  7. Shall approve any publications, articles, or communications concerning ASD.
  8. Shall recruit new members and encourage active participation of current members.

D. Vice President for Professional Development

  1. Shall serve as chair of the Professional Development Committee.
  2. Shall coordinate the Brown Bag Lunch Series.
  3. Shall actively recruit SAHE students to participate in professional organizations.
  4. Shall propose a current topic within higher education for discussion at general meetings as necessary.
  5. Shall design and maintain the ASD Professional Development bulletin board.

E. Vice President of Programming

  1. Shall serve as chair of the Social Committee and Comps Committee.
  2. Shall serve as the liaison for the special event committees (such as the banquet, opening activity, and orientation) and recruit volunteers to serve on those committees.
  3. Shall be responsible for arranging refreshments for general meetings as necessary.
  4. Shall conduct team-building activities for general meetings a necessary.

F. Faculty Advisor

  1. Shall be a current SAHE faculty member recommended by the chairperson.
  2. Shall be approved at the beginning of August with the consent of ASD.
  3. Shall act as an administrative advisor to ASD.
  4. Shall inform ASD of points of information or order when necessary.
  5. Shall serve as a resource to all ASD members and committees.

X. Committees

Section 1: Description
  1. All standing committees are obligated to assess the needs and wants of the SAHE community each semester.
  2. Each committee should recruit its members from the entire SAHE department.
Section 2: Standing Committees

A. Service

  1. Shall coordinate at least two (2) service projects per semester.
  2. Shall be responsible for advertising all service events including, but not limited to, e-mail, fliers, class announcements, etc.
  3. Shall be chaired by the president.
  4. Shall sponsor the Thanksgiving dinner.

B. Mentor/Mentee

  1. Shall consist of no more than five (5) committee members selected before the end of the Spring semester.
  2. Shall assess previous year's program.
  3. Shall coordinate the next year's program and matching process.
  4. Shall report to the vice president of Administration.

C. Public Relations

  1. Shall revise or redesign all ASD associated brochures yearly.
  2. Shall regularly update and manage the ASD website.
  3. Shall assist in the completion of the SAHE Developments newsletter.
  4. Shall assist the vice president of Public Relations with the completion of the Mini-Résumé publication.
  5. Shall be chaired by the vice president of Public Relations.

D. Professional Development

  1. Shall assist the vice president for Professional Development with organizing the Brown Bag Lunch Series.
  2. Shall aid the vice president in identifying issues to be discussed in general meetings.
  3. Shall actively recruit SAHE students to participate in professional organizations.
  4. Shall be responsible for advertising all professional development events including, but not limited to, e-mail, fliers, class announcements, etc.
  5. Shall be chaired by the vice president of Professional Development.

E. Social

  1. Shall be responsible for all advertising of social events including, but not limited to, e-mails, fliers, class announcements, etc.
  2. Shall be chaired by the vice president of Programming.
Section 3: Special Event Committees

A. Banquet

  1. Shall consist of no more than seven (7) committee members selected in January.
  2. Shall select the location, date, and time of the banquet.
  3. Shall organize all details of the banquet (e.g., menu, invitation, guest list, decorations, entertainment).
  4. Shall develop a banquet budget and make a formal request to ASD for funding if necessary.
  5. Shall plan the portion of banquet honoring second year students.
  6. Shall elect a banquet chairperson from the committee members who shall regularly update the vice president of Programming.
  7. Shall be advised by a SAHE faculty member.

B. Orientation

  1. Shall consist of no more than five (5) committee members selected before the end of the Spring semester.
  2. Shall select a location and prepare the agenda for Orientation.
  3. Shall develop theme for Orientation.
  4. Shall coordinate meals/food and transportation as needed.
  5. Shall recruit current student volunteers.
  6. Shall communicate with prospective students about their participation in Orientation.
  7. Shall coordinate team-building activities for new students.
  8. Shall assist SAHE graduate assistants with tasks for Orientation.
  9. Shall regularly update the vice president of Programming.
  10. Shall be advised by a SAHE faculty member.

C. Opening Activity

  1. Shall consist of no more than five (5) committee members selected before the end of the Spring semester.
  2. Shall select a location and prepare the agenda for Opening Activity.
  3. Shall develop theme for the Opening Activity.
  4. Shall coordinate meals/food and transportation as needed.
  5. Shall be responsible for all advertising of Opening Activity including, but not limited to, e-mails, fliers, class announcements, etc.
  6. Shall coordinate team-building activities for new students.
  7. Shall regularly update the vice president of Programming.
  8. Shall be advised by a SAHE faculty member.

D. Comps

  1. Shall consist of no more than five (5) committee members selected in January.
  2. Shall be responsible for selecting location and time of event.
  3. Shall coordinate meals/food and/or other activities for second-year students.
  4. Shall be responsible for all advertising of event including, but not limited to, e-mails, fliers, class announcements, etc.
  5. Shall report to the vice president of Programming.

E. Thanksgiving Dinner

  1. Shall consist of no more than seven (7) committee members selected by the end of September.
  2. Shall be responsible for selection of location and time of event
  3. Shall coordinate meal and service activities as appropriate
  4. Shall report to the president

XI. Impeachment

  1. Grounds for impeachment shall occur when an officer is not fulfilling the obligations of his/her position, is misusing funds, or is conducting himself or herself in an inappropriate manner that is detrimental to the organization or the department.
  2. An individual shall submit a letter of concern to the faculty advisor, who will determine the appropriate course of action.
  3. The removal of an individual from his or her position must be agreed upon by two-thirds of voting member present.
  4. Individuals serving in appointed positions do so at the pleasure of the president, unless impeachment proceedings are brought on by another individual.

XII. Amendment Process

  1. The amendment must be introduced to the SAHE students/ASD members in writing via e-mail.
  2. The amendment will be tabled for a minimum of one week and will be read at the following ASD meeting.
  3. After a second reading, ASD will vote on the proposed amendment. This amendment must be agreed upon by a majority (50 percent plus one) of the voting membership present at the meeting.
  4. The Executive Board shall reserve the right to use an on-line survey as a means of electronic voting when necessary.