
  • Research a particular topic of interest to present to the class
  • Work on a critical thinking exercise
  • Review homework
  • Think, pair, share
  • Assign debatable topic, one person speaks for/the other against
  • Student with correct answer goes and explains to another student who needs help
  • Google key terms, figure, concept, etc. to begin discussion
  • Role play
  • Workshop activity where they give each other feedback on sections of an assignment

Small Group (4-6)

  • Critical dialog in action
  • Give students a topic, have them discuss, present key points to class.
  • Field note observations on a particular campus event. Report findings to class.
  • Jigsaw reading, analysis, discuss/present
  • Peer review lab reports鈥攑aper conversion
  • Role play groups to share competing ideas.
  • Assign a topic to each student beforehand and make them present in the class the next day.
  • Students read an article in prep for the class, then during class given case studies and have to explain actions they would take-they have to come to a consensus

Large Classroom

  • Test reviewer - group students in small group 4-6. Each group has a theme name and competes to answer review questions. Give a prize at the end.
  • Extra credit points offered for correct answers to first 10 students
  • Form student groups (4-5 in each group) assign them a mini-project. Offer prizes for the best mini project.
  • After a point is explained in lecture, students fill out a worksheet and turn it in for participation points.
  • Divide class in half, create a quiz in which they are placed in teams, the team who answers questions correctly wins.
  • Students write discussion questions about the readings and submit them before class. Faculty member aggregates questions and shares with students. Students access the group's questions for class discussion.
  • Ideas Gallery
  • Debate/news conference about a topic.
  • Plickers - clickers used at the end of the session


  • Class built and shared wiki.
  • Each member of class creates an online 鈥減oster鈥 of a food science principle and then another member comments on it (the discussion on D2L).
  • Peer review and smaller group in depth discussion of research papers and other assignments. While students read work off all- they are in depth respondents for small group together- 4 students/group.
  • Use Qualtrics to collect data for in class exercise.
  • Shared readings through Google docs to allow real time editing.
  • Have students use Qualtrics to create surveys to send out to the class on a particular topic of interest. Report results to class. Provide a reflection note on the project via D2L.