Gay and Lesbian links

— The national gay and lesbian newsmagazine Internet site

— GLSEN strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected, regardless of sexual orientation. We welcome as members any and all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or occupation, who share this philosophy.

— The International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), founded in 1987, is a leading advocate and educational organization for promoting the self-definition and free expression of individual gender identity. IFGE is not a support group—it is an information provider and clearinghouse for referrals about all things which are transgressive of established social gender norms.

— A national organization that works to end discrimination in the U.S. immigration law, to reduce the negative impact of that law on the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and HIV-positive people, and to help obtain asylum for those persecuted in their home country based on their sexual orientation, transgender identity or HIV-status. Through education, outreach, advocacy, and the maintenance of a nationwide network of resources, we provide information and support to advocates, attorneys, politicians and those who are threatened by persecution or the discriminatory impact of the law.

— Unique website with lesbian poetry, classical art, vintage images, letters and journals, and quotations.

- Affordable Colleges Online created this guide to show LGBTQ students the various on-campus and online resources they can use to help make college a more welcoming and supportive experience. The guide also includes interviews with a pair of diversity experts who lead student inclusion efforts on campuses today.

Lesbian.Org — Dedicated to promoting lesbian visibility on the Internet, this site offers many links and resources dealing with lesbian issues and interests.

— NCLR is the nation's legal center with a primary commitment to advancing the rights and safety of lesbians and their families through a program of litigation, public policy advocacy, free legal advice and counseling, and public education. In addition, NCLR provides representation and resources to gay men and bisexual and transgendered individuals on key issues that also significantly advance lesbian rights.

— The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom engages in national advocacy on issues related to sexual identity, expression, and orientation by participating in the development of public policy and by supporting positive media presentations of diverse sexual practices. NCSF is a voluntary, not-for-profit association that offers a free membership to individuals and organizations who support the rights of adults to engage in safe, sane, and consensual sexual expression.

— NGLTF is the front-line activist organization in the national gay and lesbian movement. As such, it serves as the national resource center for grassroots lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender organizations that are facing a variety of battles at the state and local level—such as combating anti-gay violence, battling Radical Right anti-gay legislative and ballot measures, advocating an end to job discrimination, working to repeal sodomy laws, demanding an effective governmental response to HIV and reform of the health care system, and much more.

— The National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law is the first on-line law journal in the country and the second devoted exclusively to legal issues affecting lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals.

: Workplace Discussion List — The goals of the list are to provide a supportive space for the workplace concerns of GLBTs; share what it is like to be GLBT in various fields—industry, academia, professional, blue collar, pink collar, etc.; facilitate activism and an exchange of ideas; and share resources for information and mutual support.

— This site features work by —a noted authority on sexual prejudice (or homophobia), hate crimes, and AIDS stigma—and his at the University of California-Davis. It provides factual information about sexual orientation and HIV/AIDS to promote the use of scientific knowledge for education and enlightened public policy.