Academic Computing Policy Advisory Committee

Minutes of September 15, 2010

  • In Attendance: Balint, Blood, Branthoover, Brzycki, Chiarulli, Dadson, Janosko, Kemp, Lenze, McDevitt, McElroy, Mocek, O'Neil, Onyett, Pagnucci, Pankaj, Powers, Sherwood, Scandrett, D. Smith, J.B. Smith, Yuhas.
  • Excused: Asamoah, VanWieren.
  • Absent: Giever, Gruber, Kornfeld, Woodland, Yost.
  • Guests: Marshall, Defelice.

Proceedings of the Meeting

Approval of Minutes

  • April 21, 2010 Meeting: Minutes approved as posted on the ACPAC website (M/S JB Smith/Sherwood). Onyett to check the meeting date for February 2011 (note: it will be February 16, 2011).
  • Financial Report
    Lloyd Onyett reported that the current balance in SAP is $12,904.62, but the rollover has not occurred yet.
  • Snacks/Location for Future Meetings
    Because of the very tight budget this year, and the prospect that we will not receive any additional funds, it was suggested that we either eliminate the snacks at the ACPAC meetings or reduce to just drinks. It has been costing approximately $120 per meeting in the past. A motion was made (JB Smith/McDevitt) and passed unanimously to just have drinks in the future at approximately $25 per meeting. (note: since the meeting, we received a document from the Chancellor prohibiting any refreshments for a meeting of our type.)
  • Membership
    An email has been sent to all Deans to review appointments and to fill vacancies. HSS still has one vacancy. Dr. Jack Scandrett and Rick Kemp are the new members from FA. Mike Powers has been appointed to ACPAC to represent Communications.
  • Standing Reports:
    • CIO office (Balint)
      • Electronic Portfolios - some entities at 亚色影库 are very interested, but not all divisions, or university wide. PASSHE has no plans yet, but is looking at various options for electronic portfolios including Desire2Learn, but PASSSHE did not purchase the portfolios module from Desire2Learn. PASSHE is also looking at TracDAT and Equella. An ACPAC eportfolio action team was created: Scandrett (chair), Brzycki, Dills, Kemp, Lenze, Onyett, JB Smith, Yost, Yuhas.
      • The transition from WebCT to Moodle was very smooth.
      • Rob Mutchnik has been appointed for a 2 semester appointment as the Associate for Online Learning.
      • Bill provided a handout containing the current ranking of IT projects. Motion to approve (Lenze/Brenthoover) was passed unanimously to accept the current ranking of IT projects.
    • Virtual Environments Coordinating Committee (Lenze)
      • The first meeting of the fall semester will be Sept 23rd.
    • Web Advisory Board (Pagnucci)
      • The Digital team is looking at how to highlight information on the 亚色影库 front page. The Digital team will work with individuals to determine needs. Currently there is no student organization web space, so Student Affairs will be working with the Digital team to investigate possibilities.
    • Student Computing Subcommittee (McDevitt)
      • The committee is reviewing a student computing survey and will be putting it online this fall. The Windows 7 migration in the labs had only limited problems this fall. The committee will be looking in to which can link to Facebook and other social networking systems. The committee is looking in to a technology forum for students with possible college specific events and resident life events. 亚色影库 has purchased C-Board to replace the current I-Card system which will be more secure (anticipated operational for fall 2011).
    • On-line Learning Subcommittee (Brzycki)
      • Dolores distributed several handouts including a status list of projects currently being reviewed. There was a discussion regarding completed tasks. There was also a discussion specifically about email within Moodle. There is a partial solution using quickmail in combination with IMAIL filtering, but there is a possible issue with attachments. There was a discussion regarding quiz timeouts and saving of quizzes (30 vs. 60 minutes for timeouts). There was also a discussion of the need to manually add individuals to roles within Moodle. IRT has created a methodology for this issue.
    • Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (D. Smith)
      • The first meeting of the fall semester will be next week.
    • Student Operations Group (Pankaj)
      • Banner was down or overloaded several times at the beginning of the semester. Banner will be upgraded later this year. Degreeworks is a priority for this year.
    • DE Planning and Work Group (Brzycki)
      • The first meeting of the fall semester will be Sept 28.
  • Reports from the Action Teams:
    • Training/Professional Development Team -- Pagnucci/Smith, Conveners
      • No report.
    • Student Pictures Team -- Smith, Convener
      • A pilot of this system will be conducted sometime during the fall semester.
    • Optical Test Scoring Team -- McElroy, Convener
      • The equipment for the new system has arrived and is being tested.
    • Digital Repository Team -- Sherwood, Convener
      • There may be a PASSHE issue that impacts the use of Fedora, but the committee still recommends Fedora. A concern of the committee regarding Equella is whether there is a guarantee that we can get data back out of the system if moving to a new system in the future.
    • E-mail Client Evaluation Team -- Onyett, Co-convener
      • No report
  • New Business:
    • Microsoft Office 2010
      • O'Neil discussed issues with students arriving with Office 2010 on their computers. 亚色影库 will be implementing Office 2010 for fall 2011.
    • Agenda Items for Future ACPAC Meetings
      • Onyett and McElroy announced that all committees and action teams are to submit agenda items and reports to Onyett and McElroy by the Monday of the week of each ACPAC meeting. The agenda will be based on those submissions, and committees and action teams not submitting items will not be included on the agenda. This is intended to streamline the meetings.
  • Old Business:
    • Proposed changes to the By-Laws
    • The By-Laws revisions that were proposed at the April 2010 meeting were discussed. Sherwood proposed some wording changes. A motion (Lenze/ Chiarulli) was made to change the wording and vote on the changes at the October meeting. The proposed wording is:
      "The ACPAC administrative co-chair shall be a Assistant Dean of Technology or a College Technology Manager nominated by the Chief Information Officer and ratified by a majority vote of ACPAC members. The administrative co-chair shall serve for a term of two years, and this term can be repeated if he/she is nominated and ratified as above."
  • Other Business:
    • Defelice discussed the Project Assignment and Technology Help (PATH) Lab. She provided a handout and discussed the status of the lab. She asked how they might collaborate with faculty, how best to market the lab to students and faculty, and how to survey the faculty.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:42 PM.