Associate Professor

Office: 273 Kopchick Hall
Phone: 724-357-2361


BS - Babes-Bolyai University
MS - Babes-Bolyai University
PhD - Cranfield University
Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Connecticut 


Environmental Chemistry

Courses Taught

CHEM 101 - College Chemistry I
CHEM 111 - General Chemistry I

Research Interests

The goal of my research is to successfully use various materials for water and wastewater treatment using non-catalytic and catalytic processes.

Select Publications

Njimou, J.R.; Maicaneanu, A.; Indolean, C.; Nanseu-Njiki, C.P.; Ngameni, E. Removal of Cd (II) from synthetic wastewater by alginate - Ayous wood sawdust (Triplochiton scleroxylon) composite material. Environmental Technology, 2016, 37, 1369-1381.

Cotet, L.C.; Maicaneanu, A.; Fort, C.I.; Danciu, V. Mesoporous Carbon Aerogels. Synthesis, characterization and environmental applications, in: "Comprehensive guide for mesoporous materials, Volume 1: Synthesis and Characterization", Editor: Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-63463-958-3,Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, pg. 203.

Gilca, E.; Maicaneanu, A.*; Ilea, P.; Ghirisan, A. Kinetic modelling and error analysis for zinc removal on a weak base anion exchange resin. Desalination and Water Treatment 2015 in press. DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1101018.

Gilca, E.; Maicaneanu, A.*; Ilea, P. Kinetics analysis of zinc sorption in fixed bed column using a strongly basic anionic exchange resin. Water Science and Technology 2015, 71, 1646-1653.

Ndjeumi, C.C.; Maicaneanu, A.; Bike Mbah J.B.; Mouthe Anombobo, G.A.; Kamga, R. Assessment of physico-chemical parameters for humic acids adsorption on alumina. Chemistry Journal 2015, 1, 133-138.

Nagy, B.; Manzatu, C.; Maicaneanu, A.; Indolean, C.; Barbu-Tudoran, L.; Majdik, C. Linear and nonlinear regression analysis for heavy metals removal using Agaricus bisporus macrofungus. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2014 in press. .

Maicaneanu, A.; Varodi, C.; Bedelean, H.; Gligor, D. Physical-chemical and electrochemical characterization of Fe-exchanged natural zeolite applied for obtaining of hydrogen peroxide amperometric sensors. Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry 2014, 74, 653-660.

Nagy, B.; Maicaneanu, A.*; Indolean, C.; Manzatu, C.; Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L.; Majdik, C. Comparative study of Cd(II) biosorption on cultivated Agaricus bisporus and wild Lactarius piperatus based biocomposites. Linear and nonlinear equilibrium modeling and kinetics. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineering 2014, 45, 921-929.

Cotet, L.C.; Maicaneanu, A.*; Fort, C.I.; Danciu, V. Alpha-cypermetrin pesticide adsorption on carbon aerogel and xerogel. Separation Science and Technology 2013, 48, 2649-2658.

Maicaneanu, A.; Bedelean, H.; Ardelean, M.; Burca, S.; Stanca, M. Hanes and Valea Vinului (Romania) closed mines Acid Mine Drainages (AMDs) - Actual condition and passive treatment remediation proposal. Chemosphere 2013, 93, 1400-1405.