Nearly all of the 亚色影库 website was automatically migrated from Ektron and recreated in Cascade for you. Web maintainers will need to edit and recreate a small amount of content.

Listed below are some of the most common issues with migrated content and how to fix them.

Problem Solution
Pages out-of-order in the left-hand menu Reorder the pages in the folder view.
Content missing from image or video captions Compare with the production website and manually add the content.
Special characters missing such as —, é, °, and † Manually edit the text to add the special characters. Tip: You can also open each page of your site for editing and then click Check Content & Submit. Cascade will automatically run a spell check which will find some of the issues.

Size or alignment issues with photos or student testimonial blocks Advanced users can try editing the HTML code. You can also create an ticket with the list of pages that need attention.
Missing blocks of text or content If possible, copy the text from the live website and add it manually. For large amounts of missing content, contact the Digital Team for assistance.
Out-of-date personnel pages Ensure personnel pages are updated and have the right photos and supplementary information. There have been many recent staff changes. Rarely, the migration script did not bring over all of the personnel information. In this case, edit the personnel blocks.

In addition to common migration issues, there are some known system issues. The Digital Team is working on resolving some of them. Here are some details on how to handle others.

Item Details

Files—including PDFs—were migrated, but are not yet accessible for general editing.

Links to those files should work now, though.

The folder structure in Cascade is the same as in Ektron, and files have a non-user-friendly system name due to how Ektron stored the files. We are working with the vendor to have the files renamed. Once that is complete, we will relocate files to each site’s set of folders.
Check for broken links. Links to news items published before 1/1/2020 may be broken. To check for broken links, open a page for editing and submit it. Cascade will automatically check for broken links (and misspelled words).
Publishing to the live site will not be available until the switchover planned for August. You can continue editing in Ektron to update the live site. Note: none of those edits will be migrated to Cascade—you will need to also make the same edits there.

Re-link news items that had been imported from other sites.

  1. Open your news index page for editing and scroll to the Manually Add News Page(s) to the above most recent news listing section.
  2. Check the Yes box to activate the News Page Selector.
  3. Click the Choose Page button and navigate to the news item you want to add.
  4. Add additional news items by clicking the green + icon above the Choose Page button.
Verify that any 亚色影库-Only content was migrated for your site. It will be housed in its own iup-only folder.
Double-check to ensure events are populating correctly—especially recurring events.

Events are housed in a separate “site” in Cascade instead of individual folders.

Navigate to the Events site and locate your area's folder. Events are organized in year/month folders. Recurring events are stored in your site's recurring folder.

There was an issue with end dates for recurring events during the migration. The solution was to make all existing recurring events end in May 2021. If you had an existing event that should have extended beyond that date, it will need updated.

Learn more about Working with Events in Cascade.

Thank you for your work in ensuring the quality of content on the 亚色影库 website.

The Digital Team is here to help. Please contact us via if you need assistance.