The university fire prevention is taken very seriously. A better than average relationship between Housing and Residence Life,Environmental Health andSafety Department, Facilities, and the Fire Department has provided the necessary links to a successful fire prevention program.

Fire Prevention in Residential Buildings

Fire drills in residential buildings are planned events coordinated through OHRL staff and the University Police. A procedure has been developed and training provided for the proper method of conducting a fire drill. The procedure is located in the appendices.

Sprinkler Systems

  • Sprinkler systems have been installed in university residence halls.
  • All student rooms have hard-wire smoke detectors.
  • A procedure has been developed between Housing and Residence Life, University Police, and Facilities which will be followed during sprinkler activation. The procedure is located in the appendices.
  • See appendices for fire prevention related procedures and SOPs.
  • Simplex Grinnell LP inspects all fire alarm and sprinkler systems on the campus twice each year.

Fire Prevention in Classroom and Administrative Buildings

The procedure for fire drills in residential buildings can be found in the appendices. The 亚色影库 Fire Emergencies brochure can be found in the appendices.

  • All buildings on campus have hard-wired smoke detectors. All smoke detectors and pull stations, when activated, have dialers that send the alarm into the University Police Office. The alarm will come up on a computer screen and give the dispatcher the type of fire alarm, building name, and location of the device that was activated. The dispatcher will immediately send a police officer to that location.
  • An outside firm is contracted to clean and inspect all kitchen exhaust systems in university buildings.
  • See appendices for the Fire Extinguisher Inspection Procedure and the 亚色影库 Fire Extinguisher Inspection Form.
  • A pre-plan book was developed for the local fire company. This book contains all of the floor plans for each building on campus. The fire company uses the book as a training tool as well as when a need would arise that the company would need to find their way around any particular building.