The following parties are responsible for the implementation of the Accident and Illness Safety Program at 亚色影库.


The president will establish and have final authority over the Accident and Illness Safety Program.

Associate Vice President for Facilities Management

The designated accident and illness prevention coordinator at 亚色影库 is the associate vice president for facilities management. This person is also responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Universities Safety Program.

University Safety Committee

The committee will review, evaluate, and recommend health and safety policies at 亚色影库. The committee is made up of members from all bargaining units, managers, supervisors, undergraduate and graduate students. This committee may make inspections, will recommend corrections to safety hazards, and/or split into subcommittees to work on specific projects, review safety policies and procedures.

Monthly meetings are conducted, and minutes are taken at each meeting.

Other safety committees on campus are located within:

  • College of Fine Arts
  • Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • S. W. Jack Cogeneration Plant

Environmental Health and Safety

The Environmental Health and Safety Office is responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Accident and Illness Safety Program. The Environmental Health and Safety Office will assist all departments with compliance to regulations, monthly safety meetings, training, inspections, accident investigations, provide safety-related materials, and record keeping.

Associate Vice President for Human Resources

The Human Resource Department is responsible for the implementation of the Worker Compensation Program. The department is responsible for training supervisors and managers to properly implement the designated Physicians Panel, used by employees when medical attention is needed. Human Resources provides the training to employees related to the proper reporting methods for injuries and illness.

Building Managers

Each building on campus has a designated building manager. The manager is the contact person for that building for safety-related issues. The building manager also receives the building inspection for his/her assigned building andis responsible to follow up with any corrective action as a result of any building deficiencies noted in the report. Building occupants are encouraged to report any safety concerns to their building manager.

Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors are responsible for the safety and health plan in their respective areas. They must plan monthly safety meetings/lunch box safety meetings. They must ensure that employees reporting to them fully understand and practice safe work habits, and must stress to all employees that safety awareness on the job daily is critical.


Safety in the work place lies with each individual employee and student. By following established procedures, safety guidelines, practicing safe work habits, and reporting unsafe conditions to an immediate supervisor and the Environmental Health and Safety Office, accidents can be reduced and/or prevented.

Supervisors are expected to conduct a monthly safety meeting and provide the necessary training and safety equipment.

Supervisors should make a point to remind their employees every day prior to starting work about the need to plan the days work around good, sound, and established safety practices.