The IT Support Center supports the locations on campus for administrative training and meetings.

Training Room, IT Support Center, G41,

Contains 15 Dell All-in-One workstations. The instructor station is configured like the multimedia classroom stations, including a projector, VCR, and DVD player. A phone is available for conference calls.

Training Room, G-33

Contains 10 Dell All-in-one workstations. The instructor station is configured like the multimedia classroom stations, including a projector, VCR, and DVD player.

Conference Room, IT Support Center, G38, Delaney Hall

The boardroom layout conference room can comfortably accommodate 20 people. The room is equipped with a big-screen TV with laptop connectivity and a Smart Board with a wireless mouse and keyboard. This room is equipped with a Polycom phone for conference calls.

These facilities must be reserved in advance by a faculty or staff member. It's the instructor's responsibility to become familiar with the software and equipment in the lab before the reserved time period. To reserve these facilities, please log an ihelp ticket with your requested dates and times. Please note that reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Non-ITS Training Spaces

Throughout many of the residence halls, the Office of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining manages spaces that may be reserved to facilitate your training needs. If you would like to reserve one of these spaces, please visit their Reservable Space page for more information.