All events in this page are open to public.

  1. October 7, 2016
    (This event is sponsored by Shordor Education Foundation, S-COAM, and Mathematics Department.)

    , Founder and Executive Director,, Inc.

    a. 11:15am-12:05pm, STRGT 220
    Title: Exploring Functions Through Dynamic Variation
    Abstract:We will look at several computational tools that help students visualize functions and their graphical representation. In particular, we will look at theInteractivatematerials developed by Shodor as part of the National Science Digital Library resources.

    b. 2:40-4:40pm (Location will be announced later.)
    Title: Computational Thinking Across Mathematics and the Sciences: The Power and the Peril
    Abstract:The purpose of this workshop is to expose participants to and inspire them with new techniques, teaching materials, and applications to use computational models in the undergraduate curriculum. By bringing students and faculty from different disciplines together, they can explore how to incorporate computational models into their classrooms, research projects, and learning spaces. Content is suitable for participants from a broad range of disciplines, including computer science, mathematics, and the physical, life, and social sciences.

    Due to the seat limitation, please use the following link to register for the workshop.

  2. November, 7, 2016, Alumni Day
    Rebecca Beadling, Geosciences PhD program, University of Arizona
    Ashleigh Craig, Mathematical Sciences MS program, Clemson University
    Sarah Papa (Raneri), Lead Business Analyst, UPMC Health Plan

Part I: 2:30-3:20pm
a. Presenter:Rebecca Beadling
Location: Allegheny Room, HUB
Title:Using Climate Models to understand the Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation and its Role in Earth's Climate.

Abstract: The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a critical role in
Earth's climate system. This density driven ocean circulation transports warm and salty
upper ocean water from low latitudes to the Labrador and Greenland - Iceland -
Norwegian (GIN) Seas where the waters are cooled through atmosphere - ocean
interactions, become dense, and sink to great depths. The AMOC transports an enormous
amount of heat northwards in this process, helping to maintain the relatively warm surface
waters found in the North Atlantic. The AMOC is not only critical for redistributing heat,
but also plays an important role in the storage and distribution of carbon in the world's
oceans. In response to a warming climate, all of the latest climate models project a
decline in AMOC strength by 22-40% during the 21st century. However, due to the lack
of dynamical ice sheet components in these models, none of these projections have
included the potential impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) meltwater on AMOC. To
investigate the potential impacts of the additional freshwater on the AMOC, we have
carried out a series of 21st century projection runs with the earth system model,
GFDL-ESM2Mb, forced with realistic GrIS meltwater. The results of this study as well as the
mechanisms behind AMOC and its role in climate will be discussed.

b. Presenter: Ashleigh Craig,
Location: Monongahela Room, HUB
Title: Optimizing your STEM Degree

So you have a STEM degree, now what? Should you go to grad school or get a job?
Where can you work and where should you look for a job? The job search in STEM fields
can often be quite difficult because the job title does not always explicitly state
mathematician or scientist. However, in today's world of big data, STEM majors are
needed now more than ever to develop analytics. So, where is this big data and where
can STEM majors work? In this talk, Craig will share her internship experiences providing
examples of how STEM majors can apply their knowledge to positions in industry and
government. Additionally, Craig will share her experience as a graduate student at Clemson
University, including her research in bi-objective facility location problems with interaction

Part II: 3:35-4:50-- Career and Graduate School Panel
Location: Susquehanna Room, HUB
Rebecca Beadling, Geosciences PhD program, University of Arizona,
Ashleigh Craig, Mathematical Sciences MS program, Clemson University,
Sarah Papa (Raneri), Lead Business Analyst, UPMC Health Plan

Rebecca Beadling graduated from ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â (ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â) in 2014 with a B.
S. in Chemistry, B. A. in Biology, and a minor in Mathematics. While at ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â, Rebecca carried out
crystallography and solid state chemistry research under the guidance of Dr. Charles H. Lake of
the Chemistry Department, and biology research under the guidance of David H. Pistole. After
graduating from ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â, Rebecca used her diverse educational background to pursue a Masters of
Geoscience at the University of Arizona (UA) where she carried out climate modeling
experiments to understand the potential impact of the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet on
the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Upon graduating with her Masters in
the spring of 2016, Rebecca has been awarded the EPA's Science to Achieve Results
(EPA-STAR) three year fellowship to continue her research into her Ph.D. Her research focuses
on understanding the AMOC's role in climate and how it is projected to change into the future
as the climate continues to warm. More broadly, Rebecca's research combines climate modeling
experiments with observations to understand the ocean's role in climate. Rebecca is also an
instructor for the UA Sky School program located in the nearby Catalina Mountains, which
provides unique inquiry-based science education programs to Arizona K-12 students.

Ashleigh Craig is a 2014 graduate of ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics and a B.A. in
Economics. She was also a student in the Robert E. Cook Honors College. Craig is currently
pursuing a Master of Science in Mathematical Science at Clemson University, where she will
graduate in December 2016. Her interest is in Operations Research and her Master's project
focuses on bi-objective facility location problems with interaction. Throughout her educational
career, Craig participated in several internships at several companies including The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc., The Walt Disney Company, and the U.S. Government.

Sarah Papa is currently Manager of the Integrated Analytics team for UPMC Work Partners.
The integrated analytics team supports several UPMC Work Partners products including group
health, wellness, absence, short term disability, worker's compensation and FMLA. In her role,
Sarah provides decision support to senior management by identifying key financial trends and
opportunities. Her analyses support the strategy development for managing the risk of the
commercial group health population.