2013-2014 Monthly Meetings

  1. August Meeting: 4:00-6:00 p.m. on August 25 (Stright 226/229)
  2. September Meeting: 3:30-5:00 p.m. on September 18 (Stright 226)
  3. October Meeting: 3:00-5:00 p.m. on October31(Stright 229)
  4. December Meeting: 3:30-5:00 p.m. on December6(Northern Suite Room 116)
  5. January Meeting: 12:30-2:30 p.m. on January 20 (STRGT 226)
  6. February Meeting: 1:00-2:30 p.m. February 25 (STRGT 331)
  7. April Meeting: 4:30-6:00 p.m. on April 2 (STRGT 240)
  8. May Meeting: 3:00-5:00 p.m. on May 2 (STRGT 226)

Workshops: (Open to Public)

  1. Matlab I: Introduction to MATLAB with Programming
    5:05-6:20 p.m. on September 16, in Stright 220
    Presenter: Dr. Ed Donley
  2. Matlab II: Image Processing with MATLAB
    5:05-6:20 p.m. on September 23, in Stright 220
    Presenter: Dr. Ed Donley
  3. Introduction to R-- Workshop I
    4:00-5:30 p.m. on March 5, in Stright 220
    Presenter: Dr. Russ Stocker
  4. Introduction to R--Workshop II
    4:00-5:30 p.m. on March 12, in Stright 220
    Presenter: Dr. Russ Stocker

Invited Speakers: (Open to Public)

September 30, 2013SIAM Visiting Lecturer Program

Dr. Veena Mendirattais a Practice Leader, Network Reliability and Analytics, in the Corporate CTO organization at Alcatel-Lucent in Naperville, Illinois, USA.Her work is focused on analytics for customer experience and network reliability, cloud network reliability, and service reliability modeling for mission critical networks. She has published over 40 papers in conferences and journals and has presented tutorials on reliability modeling and analysis at several conferences.Other professional activities include: Scientific Committee member for the NetMob Conference, Program Committee member for IEEE DSN and ISSRE conferences (past) and IEEE Cloud Engineering conference; Steering Committee member for the ISSRE conference; member of the SIAM Visiting lecturer Program (VLP); invited judge for the annual COMAP sponsored MCM and HiMCM math modeling competitions; and appointment as a Fulbright Specialist Scholar for a 5-year period (2012-2017). She holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Northwestern University and a B.Tech in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.

  1. Title: What Can We Learn from Software Failure Data
    1:25-2:15 p.m. ECB101
    Failure detection and fault correction are vital to ensure high quality software. During the development and deployment phases detected failures are commonly classified by severity and tracked to meet quality and reliability requirements. Besides tracking failures, this data can be analyzed and used to qualify the software and to control the development and maintenance process. Our work is focused on failure data collected during the development phase and explores what we can learn by analyzing this data. Change management systems log the failures detected and the code fixes to correct the underlying software defects. By applying software reliability models and statistical techniques to this defect data, we can answer questions such as the following:This presentation addresses these questions by using a methodology based on trend analysis, control charts and software reliability growth models. The methodology is applied to a large software system during various stages of testing including customer acceptance testing. What is new about this methodology is the combined use of control charts, trend analysis and software reliability models.
  2. Career Talk
    3:35-4:35 p.m. Room 226/229, Stright Hall
  3. Title: Using Social Influence to Predict Subscriber Churn
    5:20-6:20 p.m. Room 226/229 , Stright Hall
    Abstract: The saturation of mobile phone markets has resulted in rising costs for operators to obtain new customers. These operators thus focus their energies on identifying users that will churn so they can be targeted for retention campaigns. Typical churn prediction algorithms identify churners based on service usage metrics, network performance indicators, and demographic information. Social and peer-influence to churn, however, is usually not considered. In this talk, a new churn prediction algorithm is described that incorporates the influence churners spread to their social peers. Using data from a major service provider it is shown that social influence improves churn prediction and is among the most important factors.
    1. Is the maintenance process increasing the software reliability?
    2. Is the maintenance process under control?
    3. How many failures are expected to occur in the field?
    4. What is the expected time remaining to meet the reliability requirement?

October 23, 2013, Stright Room 226/229, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Jeremy Yagle, NASA Student Trainee (Engineering)
This presentation will provide an overview of myexperience as a graduate co-op in the NASA Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)Program. At NASA IV&V, my main job responsibility is to work in thein the area ofAdvanced Concepts and Business Development (ACBD), developing models andmethods to solve specificNASA mission challenges. Two of the main goals of my work areresearching markets to understand the technical challenges of NASAcustomers, and identifying technologies that the IV&V Program should adopt. Tofurther these goals, I have been working on the design and developmentof a strategic scoring system that provides a quantitative and qualitativeanalysis of information technology investments by federal agencies. The system incorporates some basic data-mining techniques, including textanalysis and cosine similarity measures, which are used to analyzeavailable qualitative data. Various statistical methods are also used in thequantitative scoring approach. Ultimately, the results will be used to develop strategies for advancing technology at NASA IV&V byidentifying new business prospects. In addition to discussing my mainjob responsibilities, I will also cover some of the formal trainings andother hands-on experiences that I have had since starting a job withNASA.

Monday, November 4, Weyandt 6, 2:30-3:20 p.m.

Dr. Nate Ritchey
Title: "How Mathematics Can Save Your Life"
Most students of mathematics, at one time or another, have wondered where they might apply the particular concept being taught. For some mathematicians, whether a concept will ever be used, applying the mathematics they create is not important. Rather, the concepts themselves stand on their own merit as a beautiful and worthy construct. There is no debate, however, that mathematics can be used to better understand the world around us.

In this presentation, some applications of basic mathematics will be used to help a person to find a date for the prom, a team to achieve a first down, and how to better understand the potential problems of the Electoral College. In addition, some problems that I have encountered at Good Year, Sensource, and St. Elizabeth Health Center will be discussed.

This presentation is accessible to all students.

Friday, February 21, INFORMS Speaker Program

Dr. Rafael E. Matos

About the Author: Dr. Matos was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and attended the University of Puerto Rico, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in natural sciences. Upon graduation, he joined the US Navy and served as a surface warfare officer aboard to the USS GARCIA (FF 1040), the aircraft carrier USS AMERICA (CV 66) during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and was forward deployed on the USS CURTS (FFG 38) in Yokosuka, Japan.

Dr. Matos obtained a Master of Science degree in operations research from the Naval Postgraduate School and after his department head tours, was assigned as an operations research analyst in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon. After this tour, he was assigned as a manpower analyst in the Office of the Chief of Naval Personnel, also at the Pentagon. His last tour of duty was as a Master Instructor of Mathematics at the US Naval Academy, where he was nominated for the Clements Award for excellence in teaching. Dr. Matos retired from the Navy after 20 years of honorable service. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Organizational Psychology, with a concentration on cognitive decision making. His areas of expertise are statistical analysis, optimization, modeling and simulation, decision analysis, and organizational decision support facilitation.

In addition to his involvement as current President-Elect of the Military Operations Research Society (MORS), Dr. Matos is also a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the Society for Consulting Psychology, the Society for Military Psychology, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA), and the National Society for Hispanic Professionals (NSHP).

  1. 10:10-11:00 a.m.: Weydt 32
    Title: Operations Research and the Role of Probability and Statistics in Military Analysis
    Abstract: Operations Research is an applied mathematics academic discipline that uses a range of tools for analyzing operations for purposes of improving or optimizing various business or functional processes. In most cases, the expert application of basic probabilities and statistics concepts provide tremendous insights into these processes. In this lecture we look at the origin of Operations Research and Operations Analysis, how the probability and statistics tools are applied in some military operations settings, and their application to business and the industrial world.
  2. 1:25-2:15 p.m.: Johnson 247
    Title: Why Major In Mathematics Or Contemplate A Career Grounded In Mathematics?
    Abstract: Either because you like it, you are good at it, or both. Do you really need another reason? Professional graduate schools think it's a great major because they realize that studying mathematics develops analytical skills and the ability to work in a problem solving environment; these are skills and experience which rank high on their list of assets. Entrance tests support this bias. Employers evaluate problem-solving skills as one of the most desirable skills in many fields. We will talk about selecting math as a major and how to shape a career in mathematics.
  3. 3:30-4:20 p.m.: STRGT 226/229 Abstract: The efficient frontier is a concept in modern portfolio theory introduced by Harry Markowitz and others. We will discuss the application of optimization concepts into this theory and how it provides added layers of insight to better-informed decision making. Relatively simple linear programming can be applied to evaluate best value and effective resource allocation.

March 28, 2014, Stright Room 327, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Bill Noel, MS Applied Mathematics '12, Web Analyst, Brunner

Power Point file for the presentation

Abstract: Web Analyst is a position that is emerging in our data-driven society. The goal of this presentation is to bring awareness to the web analyst field,provide a day in the life of a web analyst, and show some useful tools that are used by web analysts. With virtually everything online being track-able,the benefits are endless for companies employing people who love data. Companies are investing thousands, even millions of dollars with insights they aregaining from web analysts. With the world becoming more and more digitally-focused, the opportunities are only going to increase for people with strong analyticskills. There is a huge lack of awareness for this field, especially with math majors. After this presentation is complete, you will have a better understanding ofwhether or not being a web analyst is for you.

Friday, April 25
Marcus S. Fisher, Associate Director, NASA IV&V

About the speaker

  1. 1:25-2:15pm Johnson 247Title : NASA Missions, Development, and Independent Verification and Validation
    NASA has a long and rich history in exploring, advancing, and inspiring the Nation. A lot of times when we are revealing the unknowns, the challenges that were overcome get shadowed by the successes. Nothing, however has been achieved without meeting these challenges head on, challenges that at times seem insurmountable. Over the years the Agency has always embraced these challenges as opportunities to excel and within the Agency there is a diverse set of organizations that have played a crucial role in this matter. In this presentation we will discuss the missions over the years that NASA has embarked upon, highlight one particular organization that is used to ensure the mission system software is reliable, safe, and secure to fly, and then we'll conclude with some developmental challenges not necessarily highlighted when studying the STEM disciplines.Reception: STRGT 231 2:30-3:20pm
  2. 3:30-4:20pm, Stright Hall 226/229
    Title: Systems Engineering, Two Cultures, and NASA Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
    Our NASA systems are becoming overly complex with newer challenges surfacing every day. Gone are the days where we can afford to rely on "Heroes" to come and save the project. The good news is that we don't have to rely on "Heroes"; there exist proven, scientifically generated engineering methods and tools to help us deploy successful systems. But to do so requires us to open our minds and accept that there may be two cultures that need bridged. Even though we may be focused on building, testing, and delivering a particular subsystem, we must embrace the holistic perspective for which is driving our particular subsystem entirely. It is difficult for the human to create the solution, how do you teach intuitive synthesis needed to go from perception of problem to an idea for its solution. Over the years Systems Engineering has promoted that it brings tools and methods to the table to help bridge this gap. In this talk we will explore the concept of two cultures and its effects on system development and in particular how the IV&V approaches strive to integrate the holistic view when determining whether or not a software system will work.