
Suggested audition material for the BSEd, BA, or BFA Composition degrees:

Select two different compositions or comparable repertoire from the following (at least one piece must be memorized):

  • J.S. Bach, Two and Three Part Inventions, (except No. 1)
  • J.S. Bach, Six French Suites, (prepare a courante or gigue)
  • W.A. Mozart, a first movement of a sonata except the C Major Sonata, K, 545
  • L. Van Beethoven, a first movement of a sonata except the Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2 (1st movement); (Moonlight Sonata), or Op. 49, No. 2 - G.
  • F.J. Haydn, a first movement of a sonata
  • B. Bartok, a piece from Book 4, 5 or 6 of the Mikrokosmos
  • Schumann, Fantasiestcke, Op. 12 (prepare one)

Suggested audition material for the BFA in Music Performance:

  • Major works representing three different styles from period literature of the composers: Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Ravel, Prokofiev, Copland, and others. Please prepare 20 minutes of memorized music.

Please note: Sonatina movements by Clementi or Kuhlau or other composers of comparable difficulty are not acceptable. Please contact Henry Wong Doe (hwongdoe@iup.edu) if you have questions about your repertoire selection.


All organ applicants should prepare two works of contrasting style and one hymn. One of the works should be representative of the Baroque Era (1600-1750). The hymn selection should include at least three registration changes (i.e., an introduction with two stanzas or three stanzas, each stanza reflecting a different registration).

Students who wish to apply for the bachelor of fine arts degree in organ performance, or who wish to apply for organ scholarships, will need to prepare a third piece of music, where one of the three solo works must be performed by memory. See the final category description for this audition criteria.

  • All applicants are encouraged to submit repertoire titles for the audition ahead of time.
  • Prior to the scheduled audition, all applicants are required to provide the list of editions to be used
  • For further information and questions, please contact 亚色影库 professor of organ and keyboard, Christine Clewell, orgel@iup.edu.

Suggested audition material for BSEd, BA, or BFA composition degrees should be as follows:

  • A chorale-prelude, prelude, fugue, or one trio sonata movement, written before 1750.
  • An organ work of contrasting style, written after 1750.
  • Recommended audition works follow; however, this list is not conclusive: chorale-prelude, prelude, fugue, trio sonata movement, or work by Brahms, from op. 122; a movement from Mendelssohn sonatas from op. 37, or op. 65.
  • Spanning all styles, recommended organ composers' names follow: Johann Sebastian Bach, Johannes Brahms, Dietrich Buxtehude or other composers from the North German School; Csar Franck, Alexandre Guilmant, Jean Langlais, Felix Mendelssohn, Josef Rheinberger, Charles-Marie Widor.
  • Feel free to inquire on further aspects of these contrasting styles and representative composers.
  • Additional literature can be taken from Harold Gleason's Method of Organ Playing or Roger Davis' The Organist's Manual (most recent edition).

Suggested audition material for a BFA music performance degree should be as follows:

  • Three works of contrasting style. One work should be written by J. S. Bach from one of the following genres: chorale-prelude (from the Orgelbchlein, "Great Eighteen" (Leipzig), Neumeister collection, or the Schbler Chorales); a large prelude and fugue; one movement from a trio sonata.
  • An organ work of contrasting style, written after 1750.
  • An organ work of contrasting style, written after 1900.
  • A hymn, played three times, demonstrating three distinct registration changes.