Reimbursement to employees for travel is made on the basis of an approved travel voucher. For sponsored projects under Scenarios One and Two, with travel expenses under the purview of the 亚色影库 Research Institute, contact your project development officer or the Research Institute at 724-357-2223 for instructions and assistance. For sponsored projects under Scenario Three, with travel expenses under the purview of 亚色影库, please see the information below.

亚色影库 is governed by the travel regulations adopted by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. You may contact the 亚色影库 Travel Office at 724-357-7999. Travel vouchers are available at the Travel Office website and should be completed and submitted to the 亚色影库 Travel Office, G14 Sutton Hall, after they are signed by the traveler's supervisor. Original receipts, when necessary, are attached to the travel expense voucher.

Funding Travel for Grants

Travel costs can be charged to a grant or contract if they:

  • Were budgeted and approved
  • Fulfilled program objectives
  • Occurred within the defined project period
  • Were approved by the project director
  • Are in accordance with PASSHE and funding source regulations

Travel Reimbursement

Tips for completing travel expense vouchers include:

  • Complete all parts of the travel expense voucher, including Cost Center/WBSE number and commitment item information.
  • The project director, as financial manager of the cost center, may authorize all project travel for other staff.
  • The project director's supervisor authorizes reimbursement for the project director.
  • Attach receipts if miscellaneous expenses like tools, parking, and telephone total more than $15.
  • Only business telephone calls are reimbursed. Internet service will be reimbursed only when used for 亚色影库 business. Justification for these charges must be indicated on the travel expense voucher.
  • Attach original receipts for hotel and rental car expenses.

Travel Advances

A travel advance is available only for travel outside of the United States. To request a travel advance, the project director must send a memo to the 亚色影库 Travel Office that includes the following:

  • Amount of advance requested with an estimate of actual costs
  • Denomination of the advance (e.g., Euros)
  • Dates and destination of travel
  • Project cost center/WBSE number
  • Intended payee and address
  • Date the advance is needed
  • Supervisor approval if the project director is listed as the payee

Within 60 days of returning, the traveler must document use of the advance and return any unspent funds. Complete a travel expense voucher for documentation as well as any expenses in excess of the advance and submit it to the Travel Office. The advance can be reported as income if the traveler fails to document use of the advance.


A transportation order is used to initiate direct billing to the university from the transportation provider or travel agency. Contact the Travel Office to request a transportation order.

  • Reimbursement for personal vehicles used in official travel is made on a rate-per-mile basis. Mileage rates change often and can be found on the Travel Office website.
  • Rental cars are used if more economical or when another means of transportation is not practical. Keep original receipts for reimbursement.
  • Transportation-related items such as taxicabs, airport limousines, buses, tolls, and parking are reimbursed when justified. An original receipt is required for expenditures of $15 per service.
  • The use of a university vehicle may be requested by logging in to , selecting Campus Services, and then Request a fleet vehicle in the Employee Travel section.
  • See 亚色影库's Automotive Policy.


Expenses for lodging are not allowed at sites within fifty miles of the employee's headquarters or residence. Exceptions may be made due to itinerary, weather, and time considerations, and justification is given on the travel expense voucher. Employees are expected to use the most economical lodging available and maximum reimbursement rates per night are available from the Travel Office. Exceptions are made for the following reasons:

  • Lodging within the maximum cannot be found after reasonable effort.
  • Employees are required to stay or for reasons of practicality stay in a hotel that exceeds the maximum rate.

To pay for lodging services, employees may use one of the following options:

  • Request a University Travel Card and charge the lodging expense to the Travel Card. Charges will be paid directly by the university, and the employee will be required to submit appropriate documentation as prescribed in the Travel Card Procedures.
  • Pay for the stay with a personal credit card, cash, or personal check and request reimbursement on a travel expense voucher. Be sure to include a copy of the paid hotel bill with your travel expense voucher as audit documentation.
  • Obtain a quote for the stay from the hotel and request a check be issued in advance. Payment can be made directly to the hotel, or the employee may pick up the check in Accounts Payable. The Accounts Payable Department must have a minimum of five working days' notice to produce a check under this option.


Reimbursement is allowed for meals, tips, and other expenses, but cannot be in excess of stated maximums; however, receipts of a separate listing of each meal are not required. The rules related to subsistence are very complex, with distinctions made between overnight and non-overnight trips and bargaining units. Check the for current information.