I. Call to order
In attendance: Baumler, Deckert, Fair, Greenawalt, Knight, Lewis, McCombie,
Metz, Migyanka, Muchtar, Onwueme, Pistole, Potts, Rost, Sechrist, Van Dyke

Excused: Boser, Hyde Absent: Turner, Intemann (Onwueme attended to represent the Provost)

II. On a Migyanka/McCombie motion the revised minutes from the April 12, 2011 meeting were approved.

III. Co-Chairs Report:
A. In attendance as guests are three of the newly elected UWUCC members (Justin Fair, Julia
Greenawalt, and Joan VanDyke); Sechrist also recognized the members who are leaving the
committee: Sally McCombie, Micki Hyde, Kevin Turner, and Aya Muchtar.

B. The Registrar's Office notified Sechrist that COMM 448 was an active number so it was
switched to 446 on the Senate floor; MUSC 407 was switched to 404 for the same
reason; MUSC 220 was pulled from the agenda because TECC had not approved it (it
also needs to be renumbered to be MUSC 119). The Registrar's Office also had a problem
with EDEX 111 being split into two courses (a revised EDEX 111 and a new EDEX 110);
Special Education decided to withdraw the EDEX 111 revision proposal and just present
EDEX 110 as a new course titled Introduction to Special Needs Pre-K to Grade 8.

IV. Liberal Studies Committee Report
A. See attached minutes
B. Liberal Studies Implementation Plan

  • Dave Pistole explained the split Liberal Studies Committee vote on the exclusion of Military Science in the Athletic Training program proposal.
  • Dave Pistole reported that APSCUF requested that the Liberal Studies Committee and UWUCC agree on a plan draft before the Implementation Committee meets.
  • Pistole reviewed the draft Plan for Implementation of the New Curriculum and the draft Guidelines for Implementation of the New Liberal Studies Curriculum.
  • On a Deckert/McCombie motion the drafts were approved.

V. Items for Review/Possible Action:
A.10-81 JRNL 102 Basic Journalism Skills, distance education

  • Change Moodle to Learning Management System
  • On a Lewis/Potts motion the course was approved.

B. 10- 79a Athletic Training, program revision

  • Discussion of eliminating the MLSC courses as being available for students in the program
  • It was agreed that we support Liberal Studies' decision and request the proposer to attend the next UWUCC meeting where Liberal Studies Committee members will also be attending.

C. 10-79c HPED 385 General Medical Conditions in Athletic Training, course revision

  • Should be 0 lab hours.
  • Prerequisite should also be HPED 345 on the current description. Based on the rationale it seems that HPED 365 should be listed as a co-requisite.
  • The rationale should address How is the course changing so that HPED 365 is now a co-requisite rather than a prerequisite?
  • On a McCombie/Lewis motion the proposal was provisionally approved.

D. 10-79d HPED 345 Survey of Orthopedic Injuries in Sport and Exercise (was Athletic Training), course title change,
catalog description change

  • On a Migyanka/Knight motion the changes were approved.

E. 10-79e HPED 346 Preventive and Acute Care Skills in Athletic Training (was Athletic Training Laboratory),
course title change, catalog description change

  • On a Potts/Knight motion the course was approved.

F. 10-79f HPED 365 Orthopedic Injury Assessment in Athletic Training (was Advanced Athletic Training),
course title change, catalog description change

  • On a Migyanka/McCombie motion the changes were approved

G. 10-79g HPED 380 Organization and Administration in Athletic Training (was Seminar in Athletic Training),
course title change, course revision, catalog description change

  • Objective B should be Develop, not Development.
  • In the course description, put a semi-colon after administration and after management and a comma after information. These need to be clarified.
  • Check Objective E.
  • Should Objective G be 鈥楢ssess' rather than 鈥楢ccess'?
  • On a McCombie/Deckert motion the changes were provisionally approved.

H. 10-71a EDEX 222 Secondary Reading Methods for Learners with Disabilities (was Methods of Teaching
Reading to Persons with Disabilities), course revision, course title change, catalog description change

  • Change the title to align with the EDEX 221 title.
  • Need to add the syllabus of record or a previous syllabus or a note about the syllabus.
  • Need a rationale and list of changes.
  • On a McCombie/Knight motion the proposal was returned. Migyanka abstained.

H. 10-71b EDEX 221 Methods of Teaching Mathematics to Secondary Students with Disabilities
(was Methods of Teaching Mathematics to Persons with Disabilities), course revision, course title change, catalog description change

  • On a Baumler/McCombie motion the course was approved. Migyanka and Metz abstained.

I. 10-72 ECSP 314 Creative Experiences and Play for All PreK to Grade 4 Learners, ECED 280 Maximizing
Learning: Engaging all PreK to Grade 4 Learners, ECED 351 Literacy for the Emergent Reader: PreK to Grade
1 Learners, ECED 310 Science, Health, & Safety for All PreK to Grade 4 Learners, ECED 411 Social Studies
for All PreK to Grade 4 Learners, ECED 451 Literacy for the Developing Reader: Grade 4 Learners, ECSP
440 Professional Seminas: Teacher as Researcher and Advocate for All PreK to Grade 4 Learners, catalog
description changes

  • On a Baumler, Knight motion the catalog description changes were approved

J. 10-70 B.S. in Education鈥擡arly Childhood Education/Special Education plus Urban Track, new track

  • Suggest that plus be removed from the program title
  • On page 2 3cr is missing from ECED 250 Language Development
  • On page 4 EDEX 111 has now become EDEX 110
  • The consensus was to postpone the approval until the fall to allow the department to revise the proposal to address the reduced Liberal Studies credits and to wait for the approval of HIST 196.

    The meeting was adjourned at 5:12 PM.

    Respectfully submitted by Mary Lou Metz