I. Call to order
In attendance: Baumler, Boser, Deckert, Knight, Lewis, Metz, McCombie, Migyanka, Muchtar,
Onwueme, Potts, Sechrist, Turner, Rost
Excused: Hyde
Absent: Intemann (Onwueme attended to represent the provost)
II. On a Migyanka/Turner motion the revised minutes from the October 26, 2010 meeting were approved.
III. Co-Chairs Report:
A. Liberal Studies Committee relationship to UWUCC
- It seems like an us and them; the Liberal Studies Committee is perceived to be working for
the provost. - We have gotten flack for approvals that they made.
- One concern lately seems to be that not enough information is available either to UWUCC or the Senate as to what is in the Liberal Studies report.
- Consensus that the Liberal Studies Committee should operate as a subcommittee of UWUCC.
- There could be one large election and then the committee would divide at the first meeting
of the year. - The faculty members on the Liberal Studies Committee should be elected rather than appointed. Suggest that the Liberal Studies Director continue to be appointed.
- The Liberal Studies Director should be a member of Senate.
- The level of information provided to UWUCC from the Liberal Studies Committee would need to increase; this could be facilitated by having a couple of LSC members also attend UWUCC.
- This will probably increase the workload of UWUCC if we start to actually approve LSC actions vs. just receiving the report.
- Before reporting back to the Rules Committee, Gail will also check with APSCUF Representative Council on Thursday.
IV. Items for Review/Possible Action:
A. Honors College Committee Report:
- No report
B. On a Boser/Knight motion the Liberal Studies Committee Report was accepted.
- Approved PHYS 101 Energy and Our Environment as a Writing Intensive Course
- Approved ECED 250 Language Development as a Writing Intensive Course
- Approved ARED 317 Art in K-6 Programs, which is a Writing Intensive Course, course revision and catalog description change,
- Approved ARED 318 Art in 7-12 Programs, which is a Writing Intensive Course, course revision and catalog description change,
C. 10-40 MKTG 431 Business-to-Business Marketing, distance education
- On a Boser/Turner motion the course was approved
D. 10-22 MKTG 320 Principles of Marketing, course revision
- Label Examination 4 as the Culminating Activity and get rid of the indentation.
- On a Potts/Lewis motion the course was provisionally approved.
E. 10-27a SOC 357 Sociology of Aging, course revision
- The prerequisite should appear prior to the paragraph in the Catalog Description
- Add 3c-0l-3cr to catalog description
- Check the attendance policy 鈥 either rewrite to match current policy or drop and have the note as the attendance policy
- On a Lewis/Deckert motion the course was provisionally approved with Boser abstaining.
F. 10-27b SOC 336 Sociology of Family, course revision
- Add 3c-0l-3cr to catalog description
- Check the attendance policy - either rewrite to match current policy or drop and have the note as the attendance policy
- On a Lewis/Deckert motion the course was provisionally approved with Boser abstaining.
G. 10-33c Regional Planning-Environmental Planner Track; Regional Planning-Land Use Planning
and Geographic Information Systems Track; Geography-GIS and Cartographer Track;
Geography-Environmental Geography Track, program catalog description changes
- On the GIS Current Track description there are multiple typos that do not match the catalog
- In the catalog coursework is one word
- On the Geography/Environmental Track change biome to biomes
- On the Regional Planning/Environmental Planner Track capitalize Track
- In the Assessment section add a phrase about student learning outcomes
- On a Boser/Potts motion the catalog description revisions were provisionally approved with
Sechrist abstaining.
H. 10-33d RGPL 352 Planning Methods, course prefix change
- Eliminate the x on the cover page for Program Revision.
- Check with proposer to see if there should be a prerequisite listed for RGPL 352.
- On a McCombie/Potts motion the prefix change was provisionally approved with Sechrist abstaining.
I. 10-33e RGPL 410 Community Participation and Civic Engagement Seminar, new course
- Drop 鈥榯o' after 鈥業ntroduces' in Catalog Description
- On a Boser/Migyanka motion the course was provisionally approved with Sechrist abstaining.
J. 10-33f RGPL 412 Community Planning Practicum, course title change, catalog description change
- Circle Title on the cover sheet
- Add quotation marks before Community Planning Practicum鈥
- Add prerequisite to the catalog description
- In the Rationale for Changes eliminate the extra 鈥榯hat' in the sentence beginning 鈥淥ur external consultant鈥︹
- On a Deckert/Lewis motion the changes were provisionally approved with Sechrist abstaining.
K. 10-33g RGPL 426 Environmental Land Use Planning, new course
- Do not hyphenate land use to match catalog
- In the Catalog Description replace 鈥淩eviews and instructs鈥 with 鈥淓xamines鈥; begin the second sentence with Focuses on . . .
- Eliminate first paragraph under Undergraduate Course Attendance Policy.
- Check with Registrar's Office on whether can list a recommended prerequisite
- On a Lewis/McCombie motion the course was provisionally approved with Sechrist abstaining.
L. 10-33h RGPL 453 Planning Design Studio I, course title change
- On a Baumler/Lewis motion the change was approved with Sechrist abstaining.
M. 10-33i RGPL 454 Planning Design Studio II, course title
- On a Baumler/Lewis motion the change was approved with Sechrist abstaining.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lou Metz