Eta Sigma Delta

To recognize student academic achievement in Hotel, Restaurant, Tourism, and Event Management, the 亚色影库 chapter of Eta Sigma Delta, the International Hospitality Management Honor Society, was established with its first induction on campus March 26, 1990.

About Eta Sigma Delta

was founded in 1978 when a group of students from the University of New Hampshire's Whittemore School of Business and Economics identified a need to recognize hospitality and tourism students for outstanding academic achievement, meritorious service, and demonstrated professionalism. Today, over 100 active ESD chapters function throughout the world. ESD is administered by the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Education, the leading international association devoted to hospitality and tourism education.

ESD Benefits

The professional benefits of Eta Sigma Delta include an opportunity for outstanding students to distinguish themselves in the eyes of educators, recruiters, and industry executives in an increasingly competitive industry. ESD provides a networking system through their chapters that allows for interaction and the exchange of information among students. Often, ESD meets for special events or functions at annual trade shows. An Eta Sigma Delta column regularly appears in the ICHRIE monthly newsletter as well.

  • ESD students will become student members of International CHRIE until the December after they graduate from their program. They will then be eligible to apply for full ICHRIE membership.

  • ESD serves as a means of uniting outstanding students for campus activities, fundraisers, and volunteer programs at institutions.

  • Educational benefits include the opportunity for ESD chapters to provide a stimulus for students to strive for academic excellence.

  • By functioning as a resource for the hospitality program, ESD chapters can also provide tutoring and mentoring academic support for students needing assistance.

  • ICHRIE acts as a resource from which Industry leaders can recruit.

  • Members gain and develop networking opportunities with other ESD students across the world within ICHRIE.

Who is Eligible to be a Member of Eta Sigma Delta?

Eligible students will be notified each semester with an invitation to join ESD by the faculty advisor. 

Membership Eligibility

  • The school must be a current executive (previously institutional) or premium member of International CHRIE;

  • An undergraduate student must have completed 50 percent of the credit hours required for graduation in an institution that has become a chapter of the Society. Provided the criteria is met, the student may have at least a sophomore (second year) or junior (third year) standing;

  • The student must be officially declared as a hospitality management major and have completed at least one complete year’s course work at the institution requesting society membership;

  • The undergraduate student must have obtained a 3.00 GPA or above at an institution with a 4.00 scale, or an equivalency at an institutional chapter using some other method of calculation. A student enrolled in an institution not on the 4.00 GPA, must rank at or above the top 20th percentile in class standing.

Eligible students may access a copy of the Student Application from the ICHIRE website using the link below:

ESD Student Application

ESD Faculty Advisor

Additional information can be obtained from the ESD faculty advisor.

Dr. Nicole Buse (