B.S. Several Business Majors and Tracks Program Revision

Finalized - 7/9/19

Mary Brandenburg, Business, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 10-31-96

LSC# 178 Includes syllabus for BE 271 Women in Business

Minor in Business

87-2 program revision, Withdrawn-9/87

ECOBIT Honors Program

05-46a program revision, UWUCC App-4/18/06, Senate App-5/2/06

ECOBIT Academic Policies - Junior Standing

09-73b catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/1/10, App-4/20/10

BSED Business Education, approved 3-25-14

13-157b program revision, UWUCC App-3/11/14, Senate App-3/25/14

Eberly College of Business Moratorium Response

11-56 UWUCC App for moratorium-BS Business Technology Support 2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12

BSED Business Education, approved 4-17-12

11-115a program revision, UWUCC App-3/27/12, Senate App-4/17/12

Bachelor of Science-Business

08-89 catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/7/09, Senate App-4/28/09

XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)

90-35 Generic course number, approved-2/26/91

BLAW 442 The Law of Property Oil and Gas Leasing II, approved 3-25-14

13-100b new course, UWUCC AP-1/21/14, Senate App-3/25/14

BLAW 441 The Law of Property Oil and Gas Leasing I, approved 3-25-14

13-100a new course, UWUCC AP-1/21/14, Senate App-3/25/14

HBUS 101 Contemporary Business Issues

05-46b new course, UWUCC App-4/18/06, Senate App-5/2/06

BL 440 Business Negotiations

93-27 new course, UWUCC App-11/09/93, Senate App-12/07/93

BL 383 Real Estate Practice

93-45 new course, UWUCC App-11/09/93, Senate App-12/07/93

BL 382 Real Estate Fundamentals

93-45a course prefix change(was FI 382), UWUCC App-2/15/94, Senate App-3/01/94

BLAW 235 Legal Environment of Business, distance education

01-69 UWUCC App-3/19/02, Senate Info.-4/2/02

BTED 281 Special Topics, BTED 401 Web Design, BTED 442 Training Methods in Business and Information Technology, approved 3-25-14

13-157a catalog prefix changes (was BTST 281 Special Topics,聽 BTST 401 Web Design, BTST 442 Training Methods in Business and Information Technology), UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14