Gary Stoudt, Mathematics, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 10-1-92

LSC# 114 Includes syllabus for MA 350 History of Mathematics

Gary Stoudt, Mathematics, Type I Writing Intensive, approved 3-25-14

13-145 Type I Writing Intensive, Professor Commitment, Gary S. Stoudt, Mathematics, LSC App-2/20/14, UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate App-3/25/14

Minor - Sustainability Studies, approved 4-28-15

14-89a new minor, Provost App-10/10/14, UWUCC AP-4/7/15, Senate App-4/28/15

Minor in Mathematics (from 1988 archives)

88-30 program revision (includes prerequisite changes)

Minor in Mathematics, approved 4-2-02

01-44 UWUCC App-2/19/02, Senate App-4/2/02

Minor in Mathematics, approved 12-1-09

09-36b program revision, UWUCC App-11/17/09, Senate App-12/1/09

Mathematics Minor, approved 4-29-14

13-181a program revision, program catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

Minor in Elementary and Middle Level Mathematics

12-61a new minor program, UWUCC App-11/27/12, Senate App-1/29/13

Minor in Applied Statistics (from 1990 archives)

90-53 program revision

Minor in Applied Statistics (from 1991 archives)

91-9 program revision

Minor in Applied Statistics. approved 9-14-99

98-54 program revision, UWUCC App-5/04/99, Senate App-9/14/99

Minor in Applied Statistics, approved 4-3-01

00-40a program revision, UWUCC App-3/20/01, Senate App-4/03/01

Minor in Applied Statistics, approved 11-4-14

14-76a program revision, UWUCC AP-10/21/14, Senate App-11/4/14

Minor in Applied Statistics

09-36c program revision, UWUCC App-12/8/09, Senate App-1/26/10

Mathematics Honors Track

06-3 catalog description change, new track, UWUCC W-9-5-06

College Foreign Language Requirement

90-52 program revision

BSED Secondary Mathematics Education, approved 3-03-98

97-35n program revision, UWUCC App-2/10/98, Senate App-3/03/98

BSED Secondary Mathematics Education, approved-5-02-00

99-52 program revision, UWUCC App-4/18/00, Senate App-5/02/00

BSED Mathematics Education, 1986 archives

86-18 new program

BSED Mathematics Education, approved 4-1-03

02-87a program revision, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

BSED Mathematics Education, approved 10-10-06

06-11 program revision, UWUCC App-9/26/06, Senate App-10/10/06

BSED Mathematics Education, approved 5-1-07

06-47a program revision, UWUCC App-4/3/07, Senate App-5/1/07

BSED Mathematics Education, approved 4-28-09

08-86a program revision, UWUCC App-4/14/09, Senate App-4/28/09

BSED Mathematics Education, approved 3-20-12

11-85 program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-3/20/12

BS Mathematics - Economics

92-20 new program

BS Mathematics - Applied Mathematics Track, approved 3-22-11

10-52a catalog description change, new track, UWUCC AP-1/18/11, Senate App-3/22/11

BS Mathematics - Applied Mathematics Track, approved 4-29-14

13-181b program revision, UWUCC App-4/8/14, Senate App-4/29/14

BS Mathematics/Actuarial Science Track, approved 4-28-15

14-168b new track, Provost App-4/20/15, UWUCC AP-4/21/15, Senate App-4/28/15

BS Mathematics, approved 12-1-92

92-6 program revision, UWUCC App-11/10/92, Senate App-12/01/92

BS Mathematics, approved 2-3-98

97-35b program revision, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

BS Mathematics, approved 2-25-03

02-44a program revision, UWUCC App-1/21/03, Senate App-2/25/03

BS Mathematics, approved 3-27-07

06-31a program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/07, Senate App-3/27/07

BS Mathematics, withdrawn 10-12-10

10-9c program revision, UWUCC W-10/12/10

BS Mathematics, approved 3-22-11

10-52b catalog description change, UWUCC AP-1/18/11, Senate App-3/22/11

BS Mathematics, approved 4-17-12

11-80d program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-4/17/12

BS Applied Mathematics, approved 12-1-92

92-2 program revision, UWUCC App-11/10/92, Senate App-12/01/92

BS Applied Mathematics, approved 2-03-98

97-35a program revision, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

BS Applied Mathematics, withdrawn-12-11-98

98-35 program revision, UWUCC Withdrawn-12/11/98

BS Applied Mathematics, approved 2-25-03

聽02-44b program revision, UWUCC App-1/21/03, Senate App-2/25/03

BS Applied Mathematics, approved 2-28-06

05-22b program revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-1/24/06, Senate App-2/28/06

BS Applied Mathematics, approved 3-27-07

06-31b program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/07, Senate App-3/27/07

BS Applied Mathematics, withdrawn 12-15-10

10-9a catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/17/09, Senate W-12/15/10

BS Applied Mathematics, deletion approved 3-22-11

10-52c deletion, UWUCC App-2/15/11, Senate App-3/22/11

BS Mathematics - Applied Mathematics Track, approved

11-80c program revision, UWUCC App-2/28/12, Senate App-4/17/12

BS Economics - Mathematics, approved 2-3-98

97-35c program revision, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

BA Economics, Mathematics, approved 11-2-93

93-4 new program, UWUCC App-10/12/93, Senate App-11/02/93

XX281 Special Topics (Lower-Division)

90-35 approved-2/26/97

SUST 201 Introduction to Sustainability Studies, approved 4-28-15

14-89b new course, LSC AP-10/23/14, UWUCC AP-2/24/15, Senate App-4/28/15

MATH 483 Topics in Mathematics

聽02-20k course deletion, UWUCC App-10/22/02, Senate App-11/5/02

MA 480 Senior Seminar

97-35k new course, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MATH 480 Senior Seminar

10-9b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-11/17/09, Senate App-10/5/10

MA 476 Abstract Algebra I

97-35j course revision, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MATH 471 Algebra for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers

09-24h was Basic Concepts of Algebra, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MATH 471 Algebra for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers, distance education

13-161 distance education, UWUCC App-3/4/14, Senate Info.-3/25/14

MATH 461 Discrete Mathematics for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers

09-24g new course, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MA 460 Technology in Mathematics Instruction, approved 2-3-98

97-35m course revision, title change (was Computers and Calculators in Secondary School Mathematics Instruction), catalog description change, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MATH 460 Technology in Mathematics Instruction, approved 4-1-03

02-87d course revision, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

MATH 460 Technology in Mathematics Instruction, approved 1-27-09

08-47 catalog description change, UWUCC AP-1/13/09, Senate App-1/27/09

MA 459 Technology in Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Instruction, distance education, info. 2-1-00

99-40b was Computer-Related Topics in the Elementary and Middle School, title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/9/99, Senate Info-2/1/00

MATH 459 Technology in Elementary and Middle Level Mathematics Instruction, approved 12-1-09

09-24a was Technology in Elementary & Middle School Mathematics Instruction, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, App-12/1/09

MATH 459 Technology in Elementary, Middle Level Mathematics Instruction, distance education, info. 4-29-14

13-201 UWUCC App-4/15/14, Senate Info.-4/29/14

MA 458 Logic and Logical Games for Elementary and Middle School Teachers

99-40g title change (was Introduction to Logic and Logical Games) UWUCC App-11/09/99, Senate App-2/01/00

MATH 458 Logic and Logical Games for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers

09-24b was Logic and Logical Games for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MA 457 Computers and Calculators in Secondary School Mathematics Instruction

86-20 new course

MA 457 Number Theory for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, approved 2-1-00

99-40f title change (was Introduction to Number Theory), UWUCC App-11/09/99, Senate App-2/01/00

MATH 457 Number Theory for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers, approved 12-1-09

09-24c was Number Theory for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MA 456 Geometry for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, approved 2-1-00

99-40e title change (was Principles of Geometry I), UWUCC App-11/09/99, Senate App-2/01/00

MATH 456 Geometry for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers, approved 12-1-09

09-24d was Geometry for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MA 455 Seminar in Teaching Probability and Statistics

99-40a new course, UWUCC App-11/09/99, Senate App-2/01/00

MA 451, CO 451, 551 Numerical Methods for Supercomputers

92-45 UWUCC App-4/20/93, Senate app-5/4/93

MATH 450 Topics in Applied Computational Mathematics

10-9d new course, UWUCC App-10/26/10, Senate App-12/7/10

MATH 448 Introduction to Financial Mathematics, approved 4-28-15

14-168a new course, UWUCC AP-4/14/15, Senate App-4/28/15

MA 447 Simulation Models

88-10b new course

MATH 447 Modeling and Simulation

03-43c was Simulation Models, course revision, course title change, UWUCC App-4/6/04, Senate App-12/7/04

MATH 446 Probabilistic Models in Operations Research

03-43b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/6/04, Senate App-12/7/04

MA 445 Programming Models in Operations Research

92-11 catalog description change, UWUCC App-12/07/92, Senate App-2/02/93

MATH 445 Deterministic Models in Operations Research

03-43a was Programming Models in Operations Research, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/6/04, Senate App-12/7/04

MATH 430 Seminar in Teaching Secondary School Mathematics, approved 4-1-03

02-87c new course, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

MATH 430 Seminar in Teaching Secondary School Mathematics

08-86c course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/7/09, Senate App-4/28/09

MATH 430 Seminar in Teaching Secondary School Mathematics, approved 12/6/11

11-55 catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/1/11, Senate App-12/6/11

MATH 121 Calculus I for Natural and Social Sciences, distance education

07-49 UWUCC App-3/18/08, Senate Info-4/22/08

MA 427 Introduction to Topology

97-35i course revision, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MA 425 Applied Mathematical Analysis

88-10a new course

MATH 423, 424 Complex Variables I, II

01-62g course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/16/02, Senate App-5/7/02

MA 421 Advanced Calculus I

97-35h course revision, UWUCC App-2/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MA 420 Patterns and Functions for Elementary and Middle School Teachers

99-40c title change (was Pre-Calculus Mathematics I), UWUCC App-11/09/99, Senate App-2/01/00

MATH 420 Patterns and Functions for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers

09-24e was Patterns and Functions for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MA 417 Statistical Applications

LS-62 Liberal Studies Elective, LSC W-1/19/89

MATH 416 Time Series Analysis, approved 4-28-15

14-168c new course, UWUCC App-4/21/15, Senate App-4/28/15

MATH 413 Methods of Teaching Mathematics at the Middle Level

09-24i new course, UWUCC AP-10/27/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MATH 412 Multivariate Data Analysis, approved 11-4-14

14-76c new course, UWUCC AP-10/21/14, Senate App-11/4/14

MATH 411 Univariate Data Analysis, approved 11-4-14

14-76b new course, UWUCC AP-10/21/14, Senate App-11/4/14

MA 364 Math Statistics II

LS-61 LSC-Withdrew 1/19/89 - MA 364 Math Statistics II

MA 363 Mathematical Statistics I

99-46 course revision, UWUCC App-4/18/00, Senate App-5/02/00

MA 350 History of Mathematics (found in 1986 archives)

86-21 new course

MA 350 History of Mathematics

97-35l course revision, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MATH 350 History of Mathematics, Type II Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-14

13-172b Writing Intensive - Type II Department Recommitment, LSC App-3/13/14, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14

MA 342 Advanced Mathematics for Applications

91-42 title change (was Advanced Mathematics for Applications)

MATH 341 Differential Equations, approved 3-7-17

16-2c course revision, LSE, LSC AP-10/23/14, UWUCC App-2/21/17, Senate-App-3/7/17

MATH 340 Principles of Secondary School Mathematics, approved 4-1-03

02-87b new course, UWUCC App-3/18/03, Senate App-4/1/03

MATH 340 Principles of Secondary School Mathematics, approved 5-1-12

聽11-171 course revision, UWUCC AP-4/24/12, Senate App-5/1/12

MATH 330 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School

12-61b course prefix change, course number change (was 313), UWUCC App-11/27/12, Senate App-1/29/13

MA 320 Mathematics for Early Childhood

93-6 number change (was MA 450), catalog description change, UWUCC App-9/21/93, Senate App-10/05/93

MATH 320 Mathematics for Early Childhood

09-24m course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/13/10, Senate App-4/20/10

MA 317 Probability and Statistics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers

99-40d title change (was Introduction to Probability and Statistics) UWUCC App-11/09/99, Senate App-2/01/00

MATH 317 Probability and Statistics for Elementary and Middle Level Teachers

09-24f was Probability and Statistics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, course revision, course title change, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-10/20/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MATH 317 Probability and Statistics for Elementary/Middle Level Teachers, distance education, approved 10-6-15

15-53 UWUCC App-9/15/15, Senate Info-10/6/15

MA 272 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs II

97-35g new course, UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MA 271 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs I

97-35f course revision, title change (was Introduction to Algebraic Structures), UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MA 271, 353, 355, 371 421, 427, and 476

88-30 prerequisite changes, program revision (minor in Mathematics), approved

MATH 271 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs I, Type II Writing Intensive, approved 4-29-14

13-172a Writing Intensive - Type II Department Recommitment, LSC App-3/13/14, UWUCC App-4/1/14, Senate App-4/29/14

COSC-MATH 250 Introduction to Numerical Methods

07-16a course revision, course prefix change, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/30/07, Senate App-12/4/07

MA 241 Differential Equations

LS-181, LSC App-4/1/93

MATH 241 Differential Equations

01-62f course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/16/02, Senate App-5/7/02

MATH 225 Calculus III-Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

06-23c new course, UWUCC App-2/6/07, Senate App-2/27/07

MATH 225 Calculus III for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, approved 3-7-17

16-2b course revision, LSE, LSC AP-10/23/14, UWUCC App-2/21/17, Senate App-3/7/17

MATH 219, 241, 271, 272, 342, 350

06-47b course revisions, UWUCC App-4/3/07, Senate Info.-5/1/07

MA 219 Discrete Mathematics

91-2 catalog description change

MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics, approved 5-7-02

01-62e course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/16/02, Senate App-5/7/02

MATH 219 Discrete Mathematics, approved 11-5-13

13-12g course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/15/13, Senate App-11/5/13

MA 217 Probability and Statistics

LS-59, LSC App-2/2/89

MATH 217 Probability and Statistics

11-135 Probability and Statistics, course revision, UWUCC AP-4/24/12, Senate App-5/1/12

MATH 217 Probability and Statistics, approved 2-25-14

13-107c course revision, LSC App-1/30/14, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App-2/25/14

MA 216 Probability and Statistics for Biology

LS-58, LSC App-2/2/89

MA 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences

00-27 course revision, UWUC App-10/17/00, Senate App-11/7/00

MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for Natural Sciences

06-32 course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/6/07, Senate App-3/27/07

MATH 216 Probability and Statistics for the Natural Sciences, approved 2-25-14

13-107b course revision, LSC App-1/30/14, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App-2/25/14

MA 214 Probability and Statistics for Business

98-53 course-catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/27/99, Senate App-9/14/99

MATH 214 Probability and Statistics for Business Majors, approved 2-25-14

13-107a course revision, LSC AP-1/30/14, UWUCC App-2/4/14, Senate App-2/25/14

MATH 214 Probability and Statistics for Business Majors, distance education

14-79 UWUCC AP-9/30/14, Senate Info- 11/4/14

MA 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra

from LS archives - MA 171 Introduction to Linear Algebra, LSC-Withdrew 1/19/89

MATH 153 Elements of Algebra

09-24j new course, UWUCC AP-10/27/09, Senate App-12/1/09

MATH 152 Elements of Mathematics II

LS-55, LSC App-2/2/89

MATH 152 Elements of Mathematics II, approved 4-20-10

09-24l course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-12/8/09, Senate App-4/20/10

MATH 152 Elements of Mathematics II, approved 3-20-12

11-80b program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12

MATH 152 Elements of Math II, approved 4-30-13

12-79 course revision, LSC AP-2/7/13, UWUCC App-4/2/13, Senate App-4/30/13

MA 151-152 Elements for Mathematics I and II

91-1 title change (was Math for Elementary Teachers I and II)

MA 151 Math for Elementary Teachers I

LS-54, LSC App-2/2/89

MATH 151 Elements of Math 1, approved 4-20-10

09-24k course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-12/8/09, Senate App-4/20/10

MATH 151 Elements of Mathematics I, approved 3-20-12

11-80a program revision, UWUCC App-3/6/12, Senate App-3/20/12

MA 127 Calculus I

LS-53 LSC App-2/2/89 Calculus

MATH 126 Calculus II-Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics

06-23b new course, UWUCC App-2/6/07, Senate App-2/27/07

MATH 126 Calculus II for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, approved 3-7-17

16-2a course revision, LSC AP-10/23/14, UWUCC App-2/21/17, Senate App-3/7/17

MATH 125 Calculus I-Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, approved 2-27-07

06-23a new course, UWUCC App-2/6/07, Senate App-2/27/07

MATH 125 Calculus I-Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, approved 5-1-12

11-105a course revision, LSC AP-2/23/13, UWUCC App-4/10/12, Senate App-5/1/12

MATH 125 Calculus I for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, distance education

12-52 distance education, UWUCC App-10/16/12, Senate Info-11/6/12

MA 124 Calculus II for Physics and Chemistry

LS-52, LSC App-2/2/89

MA 124 Calculus II for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics

97-35e title change (was Calculus II for Physics and Chemistry), UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MATH 123-124 Calculus I-II for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, approved 4-30-13

12-126 remove LSE attribute, UWUCC App-4/23/13, Senate App-4/30/13

MA 123 Calculus for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, approved 2-2-89

LS-51 LSC App-2/2/89

MA 123 Calculus I for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, approved 2-3-98

97-35d title change (was Calculus I for Physics and Chemistry), UWUCC App-12/16/97, Senate App-2/03/98

MATH 122 Calculus II Natural and Social Sciences

LS-50, LSC App-2/2/89

MATH 122 Calculus II for Business, Natural and Social Sciences

01-62d course revision, UWUCC App-4/9/02, Senate App-5/7/02

MATH 122 Calculus II Natural and Social Sciences, approved 9-10-13

12-26f course revision, LSC AP-2/7/13, UWUCC AP-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13

MA 121 Calculus I for Natural Science, Social Science, and Business, approved 2-2-89

LS-49 LSC 2/2/89

MA 121 Calculus I for Business, Natural, and Social Sciences

97-25 course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-11/11/97, Senate App-12/02/97

MATH 121 Calculus I for Business, Natural and Social Sciences

01-62c course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/9/02, Senate App-5/7/02

MATH 121 Calculus I for Natural and Social Sciences, distance education

07-49 UWUCC App-3/18/08, Senate Info.-4/22/08

MATH 121 Calculus I for Natural and Social Sciences, approved 9-10-13

12-26e course revision, LSC AP-2/7/13, UWUCC AP-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13

MA 117 Principles of Mathematics

86-19 new course

MATH 115 Applied Mathematics for Business, approved 4-03-01

00-40b new course, UWUCC App-03/13/01, Senate App-4/03/01

MATH 115 Applied Mathematics for Business, distance education

04-54 UWUCC App-2/22/05, Senate Info.-3/29/05

MATH 115 Applied Mathematics for Business, approved 11-06-07

07-23 course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-10/23/07, Senate App-11/6/07

MATH 115 Applied Mathematics for Business, approved 9-10-13

12-26d course revision, LSC AP-2/7/13, UWUCC App-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13

MA 110 Elementary Functions

LS-48, LSC App-2/2/89

MATH 110 Elementary Functions, approved 5-7-02

01-62b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/9/02, Senate App-5/7/02聽

MATH 110 Elementary Functions, approved 9-10-13

12-26c course revision, LSC AP-2/7/13, UWUCC AP-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13

MA 105 College Algebra

97-24 new course, UWUCC App-11/11/97, Senate App-12/02/97

MATH 105 College Algebra, approved 1-30-01

00-40c catalog description change, UWUCC App-12/12/00, Senate App-1/30/01

MATH 105 College Algebra, approved 5-7-02

01-62a course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC App-4/9/02, Senate App-5/7/02

MATH 105 College Algebra, distance education

06-30 UWUCC App-2/6/07, Senate Info.-2/27/07

MATH 105 College Algebra, approved 9-10-13

12-26b course revision, catalog description change, LSC AP-2/7/13, UWUCC AP-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13

MA 102 Finite Mathematics

LS-47 Natural Science Non-laboratory, LSC App-2/2/89

MA 101 Foundations of Mathematics

LS-46 LSC App-2/2/89

MATH 101 Foundations of Mathematics, approved 9-10-13

12-26a course revision, LSC AP-9/13/12, UWUCC App-5/7/13, Senate App-9/10/13

MATH 100 Intermediate Algebra, distance education

05-30 UWUCC App-3/7/06, Senate Info.-3/28/06

MA 100 Intermediate Algebra, approved 3-14-95

94-75 title change (was Basic Algebra), UWUCC App-2/14/95, Senate App-3/14/95

MA 100 Intermediate Algebra, approved-2-02-99

98-34 catalog description change, UWUCC App-12/08/98, Senate App-2/02/99

IFMG 230 Introduction to Back-End Business Applications

06-48 catalog description change, UWUCC App-3/20/07, Senate Info.-5/1/07

ELED 313 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, approved 2-26-08

07-36 course revision, amnesty, UWUCC AP2/5/08, Senate App-2/26/08

ELED 313 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, approved 4-20-10

09-24n course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/13/10, Senate App-4/20/10

EDUC 456 Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary Schools

08-86b course revision, catalog description change, UWUCC AP-4/7/09, Senate App-4/28/09

EDEX 221 Methods of Teaching Mathematics to Secondary Students with Disabilities

10-71b course revision, course title change (was Methods of Teaching Mathematics to Persons with Disabilities), UWUCC App-4/26/11, Senate App-9/13/11